
A narcissus of doubled petals

نرجسة مضعفة

1. A narcissus of doubled petals
Gilded and latticed

١. نرجسةٌ مُضعَفَةٌ
مُذْهَبَةٌ مُفَضَّضه

2. Would be but counted
As a small flower

٢. تُحْسَبُ لولا ريحُها
أُتْرُجَّةً مُعَضَّضَهْ

3. Were it not for its perfume
Or a ruby satisfied

٣. أو رضَّ ياقوتٍ على
لؤلؤة مُرَضَّضهْ

4. With a pearl it perforates
We would not be so impassioned

٤. ما إن تني على الهوى
أَنْفُسَنا مُحَرِّضه