1. You betrayed me, and when your betrayal was clear, you came to me
Expecting I'd excuse a friend for their deceit.
١. غَدَرْتَ فلما بانَ غَدْرُكَ جِئْتَنِي
تقدِّرُ أني أَعْذِرُ الخِلَّ في الغدرِ
2. But do not seek my pardon. I have had enough excuses.
A brother who needs excusing is himself in need of pardon.
٢. فلا تلتمسْ عُذراً فسلتُ بعاذرٍ
أخاً عُذْرُهُ يحتاجُ عندي إلى عُذْر