
You betrayed me, and when your betrayal was clear, you came to me

غدرت فلما بان غدرك جئتني

1. You betrayed me, and when your betrayal was clear, you came to me
Expecting I'd excuse a friend for their deceit.

١. غَدَرْتَ فلما بانَ غَدْرُكَ جِئْتَنِي
تقدِّرُ أني أَعْذِرُ الخِلَّ في الغدرِ

2. But do not seek my pardon. I have had enough excuses.
A brother who needs excusing is himself in need of pardon.

٢. فلا تلتمسْ عُذراً فسلتُ بعاذرٍ
أخاً عُذْرُهُ يحتاجُ عندي إلى عُذْر