
Shall I be deceived as we were deceived before?

هل أضاخ كما عهدنا أضاخا

1. Shall I be deceived as we were deceived before?
Such was that pleasant weather, weather of deceit

١. هل أُضاخٌ كما عهدنا أضاخا
حبذا ذلك المناخُ مُناخا

2. If a living man became well, he would find laid down
Amid hill-slopes which send forth the bleating of sheep

٢. لو يعافَى حيٌّ لعوفِيَ أرخٌ
في قلالِ الجبال يَفْلو إِراخا

3. Picking sweet basil, making friends with the fox
While he grazes a straying lamb and pastures a weakling

٣. يتقرّى شثّاً ويألفُ طبا
قاً ويقرو ضالاً ويرعى مراخا

4. Or I take refuge in a mountain which shelters the beasts
Of prey, and a mountain whither their rending-places cling

٤. أو أقبٌ طوراً يؤمُّ أضَا الرو
ضِ وطوراً مَيْثاءَها الجواخا

5. Or I make me a house not known of change and vicissitude
No blow falls on it, no commotion shakes it

٥. أو أصكٌّ أسكُّ لا يعرف الغضرو
فَ سمٌّ منه ولا صملاخا

6. Or I am maddened, and the flashings of madness
Speed on the neighbor from near, hastening in long bounds

٦. أو فَشغوٌ قتمُ الجآجئ منه
يعجلُ القرهبَ الشبوبَ امتلاخا

7. Amid them my life was dainty, but it turned and withdrew
And my days among them in boyhood were lovely and vain

٧. هنَّ أو أعصمٌ كأنْ مِدْرَياهُ
حين عاجا على القذالين حاخا

٨. كان عيشي بهم أنيقاً فولَّى
وزماني فيهم غلاماً فشاخا