
Abu Hashim among the people is the foe of his cousin

أبو هاشم في الناس ضد ابن عمه

1. Abu Hashim among the people is the foe of his cousin
As the dog is the foe of the gazelle, so inform and let be informed

١. أَبو هاشم في الناسِ ضدُّ ابنِ عمِّه
كما الكلبُ ضدُّ الظبي فاخبرْ وخبِّرِ

2. Abu Hashim is lowly and worthless like his grandfather
While the other is noble, whatever noble thing you wish

٢. أبو هاشمٌ نذلٌ وضيع كجدِّهِ
وذاك سريٌّ كلّ ما شئتَ من سري

3. Abu Hashim is from the Bakhsis and the other is from
The Kurayz, so how can musk be paired with dung?

٣. أبو هاشمٍ من باخَشيثا وذاك من
كُرَيْزٍ فما للمسكِ يُقْرَنُ بالخرِ

4. The former has surpassed the latter in the ugliness of appearance and character
Just as the latter has surpassed the former in the goodness of opinion and character

٤. لقد فاقَ ذا في قُبْحِ مرأىً ومخبرٍ
كما فاق ذا في حُسْنِ رأي ومخبرِ

5. Abu Hashim's slipper is impure filth
While Abu Al-Abbas is the essence of essences

٥. أبو هاشمٍ نعلُ الكنيف نجاسةً
وإِنَّ أبا العباس جوهرُ جوهرِ