
Did I not make you laugh with my story

ألم أضحكك من خبري

1. Did I not make you laugh with my story
And sell sleep for wakefulness?

١. ألم أُضْحِكْكَّ من خَبَري
وبيعي النومَ بالسَّهرِ

2. My ignorance was that of a lion
Ignorance is not my character

٢. وجهلي كان في أَسَدٍ
وليس الجهلُ من وطري

3. And I forbade a youth my forbiddings
From love, both awake and drunk

٣. ونهي فتىً نهاني عن
ه في صَحْوي وفي سَكَري

4. He said: Do you not see him bowing
His head, harder than rock?

٤. فقال أما تراه قا
سياً أَقسى من الحجر

5. A gazelle hunting an ox
Leave the ox in Hell

٥. غزالاً صاد برذوناً
دعِ البرذونَ في سقر

6. And rush to split its hoof
And leave it with the cattle

٦. وبادرْ شَقَّ حافِرهِ
وسيِّبْهُ معَ البَقَر