
Alas! A garden I had entered was well guarded,

ألا حرست من روضة قد حللتها

1. Alas! A garden I had entered was well guarded,
Its water gentle and its air perfumed.

١. أَلا حُرِستْ مِنْ روضَةٍ قد حَلَلْتُها
وقد رَقَّ فيها ماؤُها وهَواؤُها

2. Its streams raced on
To trees which gained their growth from it.

٢. وقد أشْرَعتْ فيها الجَداوِلُ جَرْيَها
إلى شَجرٍ منها يَجيءُ نَماؤُها

3. The anemones shone brightly for us
Like lamps whose blood-red glow stained them.

٣. ولاحَ لَنا زَهرُ الشَّقائِقِ يانِعاً
كمِثْل زُنُوجٍ ضَرَّجَتْها دِماؤُها

4. From every patch of green, every anemone,
Came a battalion of beauty with its banners.

٤. فَمِنْ كلِّ قاعٍ أخضَرٍ وَشَقيقَةٍ
كَتِيبَةُ حُسْنٍ وهْيَ فيها لِواؤُها

5. The leaves sang on the boughs
As if to please us their song flowed long.

٥. وَغَنَّتْ على الأوراقِ وُرْقٌ كأنَّها
لإِطْرابِنا قد طالَ منها غِناؤُها

6. I was astonished this blackness had put on mourning,
And its weeping had saddened all hearts.

٦. تَعجَّبْتُ منها أُلْبِسَتْ من سَوادِها
حِداداً وقد أشْجَى القُلوبَ بُكاؤُها

7. But stranger than the scattering of the waters
Was the emerald hue of the trees and their breeze.

٧. وأعجَبُ مِنْ رَفْشِ المياهِ وقصدِها
زُمُرُّدُ أشجارِ الرُّبا وهَوَاؤُها