1. Do not weep for a past that is gone, nor describe a she-camel or camel,
Give me coffee when it is mixed, and I see its embers in its cup,
١. لا تبكِ ربعاً عفا ولا طللا
ولا تصفْ ناقةً ولا جملا
2. With the palm of a leg adorned on the branch of a willow,
Bending or straightening as it leans,
٢. وعاطني قهوةً إذا مُزِجَتْ
أرَتْكَ منها في كأسها شُعلا
3. Eyeliner that its lover did not see,
Except that he saw it by magic lined,
٣. بكفِّ ساقٍ يُزْهَى على غُصُنِ ال
بان إذا ما انثنى أو اعتدلا
4. When the bartender served me wine, it made my eyelids flush red with shyness,
And made my cheek blush with embarrassment.
٤. مكحَّلٌ ما رآه عاشقُهُ
إِلا رآه بالسِّحر مكتحلا
٥. إذا سقاني العقارَ جَمَّشَهُ
طرفي فيحمرُّ خَدُّهُ خجلا