
I went out at dawn into the garden of meadows

غدوت على زهر الرياض مسلما

1. I went out at dawn into the garden of meadows
When the unveiled faces in it had already set out on a journey

١. غدوتُ على زَهْرِ الرياضِ مُسَلِّماً
وقد سَفَرَتْ عن أوجهٍ فيه مُسْفِرَهْ

2. I did not see anyone there as virtuous as my friend
When the yellowness of the sun donned its yellow mantle

٢. فلم أرَ كالخيريِّ فيما رأَيتُهُ
إذا ما تغَشَّتْ صفرةُ الشمس أصفره

3. And its edges were clothed in what was pleasing
Of dew, resembling the fringes of his bracelets

٣. وقد أصبحتْ أطرافُهُ في محبَّبٍ
من الطلِّ يحكي منه أطراف إِسْوِرَه