
If her beauty could be made immortal

خلل السحايب لو يعمر حسنها

1. If her beauty could be made immortal
Through the clouds, its price would soar.

١. خلل السحايبِ لَوْ يُعَمِّر حُسْنُها
لَغَلَتْ على مُبْتاعِها أثْمانُها

2. The lute player sang merrily,
And the melodies reciprocated.

٢. غضنَّى عليها الخازِبازُ تَطَرُّباً
فِعلَ القِيانِ تَجاوَبَتْ ألْحانُها

3. Is not he who assumed the role of his brother,
Like Aaron assumed the role of Moses son of Imran?

٣. أليس مَنْ حَلّ منه في أُخُوَّتِهِ
مَحلَّ هارونَ مِنْ مُوسَى بنِ عمرانِ

4. The sun turned back for him in its orbit, so he could
Pray without distraction or fatigue.

٤. رُدّتْ لهُ الشمْسُ في أفْلاكِها فَقَضَى
صَلاتَه غَيْرَ ماساهٍ ولا واني

5. And he interceded with the King who hoped for his intercession,
When an angel in the form of a serpent came to him.

٥. وشَافَعَ المَلِكَ الرّاجي شَفَاعَتَهُ
إذْ جاءهُ مَلَكٌ في خَلْقِ ثُعبانِ

6. My beloved brother, the beloved of God, no lies,
And his two sons for the Chosen Mustafa two princes.

٦. أخِي حَبيبٌ حَبيبُ اللهِ لا كَذِبٌ
وابْناهُ لِلمُصطفَى المُستخلَصِ ابْنانِ

7. He prayed towards both qiblas, the exemplary one,
While people about that were deaf and blind.

٧. صَلَّى إلى القِبلَتينِ المُقتَدَى بِهما
والنَّاس عَنْ ذاكَ صُمٍّ وعُميانِ

8. None can be compared to his wife,
Nor can any two be compared to his two grandsons.

٨. ما مِثْلُ زَوجَتِهِ أُخرى يُقاسُ بِها
ولا يُقاسُ إلى سِبْطَيْهِ سِبطانِ

9. Love's secret is in a light specified for him,
While hatred's secret is specified with fires.

٩. فَمُضْمِرُ الحُبِّ في نُورٍ يُخَصُّ بِهِ
ومُضمِرُ البُغضِ مَخصوصٌ بنيرانِ

10. This one will rule hellfire tomorrow,
While the other will meet him with satisfaction.

١٠. هذا غداً مالِكٌ في النَّارِ يَمْلِكُهُ
وذاكَ رِضْوانٌ يَلقاهُ بِرِضوانِ

11. The Prophet said: O Ali, the most wretched of mankind -
If the most wretched is mentioned - they are two wretched ones.

١١. قالَ النَّبيُّ لَهُ أشقى البَرِيَّةِ يا
عَلِيُّ إن ذُكر الأشقى شقيَّان

12. One disobeyed the righteous one by hamstringing his she-camel,
And the other will meet me with disobedience against you.

١٢. هذا عَصَى صالِحاً في عَقْرِ ناقَتِهِ
وذاكَ فيكَ سيَلقاني بِعِصيانِ

13. These two will be dyed by the hand of Abu Hassan
At a time when his hand is dyed crimson red.

١٣. لَيَخضِبَنْ هَذِهِ مِنْ ذا أبا حَسَنٍ
في حينِ يَخضُبُها مِنْ أحمرٍ قاني

14. How excellent are the two martyrs - the Lord of the Throne testifies for me
And creation, that they are excellent martyrs.

١٤. نِعْمَ الشَّهيدانِ رَبُّ العرشِ يَشهدُ لي
والخَلْقِ أنَّهما نِعْمَ الشّهيدان

15. Who can comfort the chosen Prophet through them?
Who can comfort him, whether near or far?

١٥. مَن ذا يُعزِّي النَّبيَّ المُصطفى بِهِما
مَنْ ذا يُعزّيهِ من قاصٍ ومِنْ داني

16. Who can inform Fatima, burning with agony,
About her husband and her son - painful news?

١٦. مَنْ ذا لفاطِمَةَ اللَّهفَى يُنَبِّئُها
عَنْ بَعْلِها وابْنِها أنْباءَ لَهفانِ

17. The one who breathed his last in the prayer niche standing,
And the one who breathed his last in the desert, thirsty.

١٧. مَن قابضِ النَّفسِ في المحرابِ مُنتَصباً
وقابِضِ النَّفس في الهَيْجاء عَطشانِ

18. Two stars on earth - no two full moons they were -
Yes, two suns - or I should say two suns.

١٨. نَجْمانِ في الأرضِ بلْ بدرانِ قد أفَلا
نعَم وشَمسانِ إمَّا قُلْتَ شَمسانِ

19. Two swords with which the sword of battle is sheathed,
And by their right side for battle, two swords.

١٩. سَيْفانِ يُغْمدُ سَيْفُ الحَربِ إنْ بَرَزا
وفي يَمِنَيهما لَلحَرْبِ سَيْفانِ