1. Alas for that cheek with such grace,
Adorned with beauty's crown and worth.
١. واهاً لذاكَ الخِشْفِ منْ خِشْف
أُلْبِسَ تاجَ الحُسْنِ والظَّرْفِ
2. A gazelle's dark eye that in its corner,
Rules more than any other part.
٢. ضو مقلةٍ هاروتُ في طَرْفِها
أَمْلَكُ بالطَّرْفِ من الطرف
3. When ten years passed or went beyond,
Still young to the ear that heard.
٣. حين استتمَّ العَشْر أو جازها
قريبَ عُهْدِ الأذْنِ بالشِّنْف
4. Like an untamed colt he stayed,
Pleased by gentleness or force.
٤. ما زال مثلَ المهرِ مُسْتَصْعَباً
يُراضُ بالرِّفْقِ وبالعنف
5. Until time bent its shoulder,
And was partial towards me.
٥. حتى إذا الدهرُ ثنَى عِطْفَهُ
وكان عنِّي مائلَ العطف
6. I forgave what was behind,
Though the arrogant envied it.
٦. سامح منْ قُدَّامِهِ بالذي
ضَنَّ به المغرورُ مِنْ خَلْف
7. I leapt up and was compensated,
For what was lacking in his thighs.
٧. قفزتُ بالوجِهِ وَعُوِّضْتُ من
فَخْذَيْهِ ما نابَ عن الردف
8. I enjoyed him, biting and sipping,
And I was enjoyed between bites and sips.
٨. أَفْنَيْتُهُ عضّاً ورشفاً وقد
فنيتُ بينَ العضِّ والرشف
9. Iblis was healed by him, and if
You seek healing, he will heal.
٩. لقد شَفَى إِبليسُ منه وما
زال إذا استشفيتَهُ يَشْفِي