1. When will my camels be loaded up
And my yearning tied with ropes
١. متى الأرحُلُ مَحْطُوطَه
وعِيرُ الشَّوْقِ مَرْبُوطَهْ
2. To the summit of Marran's monastery -
So I head to Al-Ghotah from Daryaa.
٢. بأعلى ديرِ مرَّانَ
فدارَيَّا إلى الغُوطَه
3. I sped my camel through the valley
Where the garden's expanse is outstretched,
٣. فشطَّيْ بردى في حَيْ
ثُ بُسْطُ الرَّوضِ مَبْسُوطَه
4. And the standards of flowers like
The slain's blood clots congealed.
٤. وأعلامُ الأزاهي ك
دماءِ البُدْنِ مَعْبوطَه
5. Arable lands where the rivers
Of goodness cascade down,
٥. رباعٌ تهبطُ الأنها
رُ منها خَيْرُ مَهبوطَه
6. And a garden the April clouds
Have perfumed with their drizzling.
٦. وروضٌ أحْسَنَتْ تكتي
بَهُ المزنُ وتَنْقِيطَه
7. The roses and myrtles have extended
Their hems, laying out their carpets,
٧. ومَدَّ الوردُ والآسُ
حِفَافَيْهِ فَساطيطَه
8. And its birds always soar about it
Chirping within and fluttering.
٨. ووالى طيرُهُ تَرْجي
عهُ فيه وتمطيطه
9. Our shepherd there herds the wildlife -
Each group tends to its own thread.
٩. وراعينا به الوحْشَ
يراعي سِرْبُه خِيطَه
10. Leave the wall be - leave it -
If its plan intrigues you.
١٠. دع الحائطَ بلْ دَعْهُ
إِن استغربتَ تَحْويطَه
11. Describe its design if you are
Of description and arrangement.
١١. وَصِفْ تقديره إن كن
تَ ذا وصفٍ وتمشيطه
12. Describe the prayer niche - describe the one
Who built it and its decoration.
١٢. صفِ المحرابَ صف تشني
فَ بانيه وتقريطه
13. Does not an imam fear -
Standing in the niche - his deceit?
١٣. أَما يخشى إِمامٌ قا
م في المحرابِ تغليطه
14. Focus your eyes on the qiblah
If you attempt its centering.
١٤. ووسَّطْ طَرْفكَ القِبْلَ
ةَ إن حاولتَ توسيطَهْ
15. You will see a sultan of beauty whom
The eyes never tire of unleashing.
١٥. ترى سُلطان حُسنٍ لا
يَمَلُّ الطرفُ تسليطه
16. Its righteousness forgives its sins
While the sea is turbulent and choppy.
١٦. وأدى بَرُّهُ يَعْفُو
رَه والبحرُ شَبُّوطَه
17. A place whose April bounty was never
Lessened or withheld.
١٧. محلٌّ لا وَنَتْ فيه
مزَادُ المزنِ مَعْطوطه
18. We were blessed in Damascus -
A blessing that is no illusion.
١٨. نعمنا في دمشق نع
مة ليست بمغموطه
19. Oh, its bliss, since it
Is immersed in bliss!
١٩. فيا بهجتها إذ هِ
يَ في البهجة مغطوطه
20. Oh, its glory, since it
Is the mosque's pride!
٢٠. ويا غِبْطَتَها إذ هِ
يَ بالجامعِ مَغْبوطه
21. Contemplate it - you will find in it
The prerequisites of beauty conditioned.
٢١. تأمَّلْهُ تجدْ فيه شروطَ
الحُسْنِ مَشْروطَه
22. You see the excess of a builder who
Secured the observers, leaving no gap.
٢٢. ترى إفراط بانٍ يأ
مَنُ الرَّاؤونَ تفْرِيطه
23. Let your reflection meander
If you wish, to ponder and evaluate.
٢٣. أَبِحْ ترخيمَهُ فكرَ
كَ إن شيتَ وَتَبْليطَهْ
24. You will find it perplexes thinking
And occupies the mind's sketching.
٢٤. تجدتفويفَه يَسْتَغ
رِقُ الفكرَ وتَخطِيطَه
25. When the engraved pearl
Smiles convexly from its surface,
٢٥. إذا المنقوشُ من جَوهَ
رِهِ ضاحَكَ مَخروطَه
26. And the proportioned, delicate line
Of text inscribed with hailstones,
٢٦. ومِن مَقْدودةٍ من قُ
ضُبِ العقيانِ مَقطُوطَه
27. You see the restless observer
Who never tires of gazing.
٢٧. حِفافَيْ أَسطرٍ مكتو
بةٍ بالتبرِ مَنقُوطه
28. It is paradise on earth -
Could I be exaggerating paradise?
٢٨. رأيتَ الناظرَ العجلا
نَ لا يَسأم تَثبيطَه
29. Palaces between which trees
Line the rivers densely planted.
٢٩. هو الجنَّة في الأرض
أفي الجنَّةِ أُغلُوطَه
30. So from a palace beauty donned
Its walls and spread across its surface,
٣٠. قصورٌ بينها الأشجا
رُ بالأنهارِ مَغطوطَه
31. To a boulder as though pearls
Coat its surface with their coating.
٣١. فمن قصرٍ كسا تَقْبِيَ
هُ الحسنُ وتَسْفِيطه
32. Come, look at the colors
Mixed with the lights in fusion.
٣٢. إلى صخرٍ كأنَّ الدرّ
يكسُو ليطُهُ ليطه
33. At mosques not
Of reality outside the imaginary.
٣٣. تعالَ انظرْ إلى الألوا
نِ بالأنوارِ مَخْلوطه
34. You will find in it the legends
Of vegetation and myths.
٣٤. إلى فُسَيفسٍ ليست
بغيرِ الوَهمِ مَضْبوطَه
35. So the trees therein have bunches
Of beauty tightly packed,
٣٥. تجد فيها أَباطيلَ
نباتٍ وأَغاليطه
36. And the fruits therein have an elegance
The glance flings down loosely.
٣٦. فللأشجار فيها جُ
مُمٌ بالحُسْنِ ممشوطَه
37. You see the excess of a builder who
Secured the observers, leaving no gap.
٣٧. وللأثمار فيها طُ
رَفٌ بالطَّرْف مَلْقوطه
38. Types between sweetest fig
And smoothest apricot.
٣٨. ترى إِفراط بانٍ يأ
مَنُ الرَّاؤونَ تَفْريطَه
39. So from a palm tree and from a cypress
That competes with the other in height.
٣٩. صُنوفٌ بين مُلْوٍ قِنْ
وه أو مُسْبِلٍ خوطَه
40. And from pomegranate groves
Lined up along the walls.
٤٠. فمنْ نخلٍ ومن سروٍ
يباهي عِيطُهُ عِيطَه
41. And from an apple of ruby-red
Topped with a cone.
٤١. ومنْ أفنانِ رمّانٍ
على الحيطانِ مَحْطُوطَه
42. And from a jujube of yellow
Inscribed with saffron lines.
٤٢. ومن تفاحةٍ منْ أَح
مر الياقوتِ مخروطه
43. It saddened the doves of Yemen
And their ring-necked turtledoves.
٤٣. ومن أترجة من اس
فر العسجدِ مخطوطه
44. Our life was not locked out
From the gates of paradise.
٤٤. به حُزْنا شماليلَ الت
مني وشماطيطَه
45. Nor were we poured at the door
Of Gihon such affliction.
٤٥. وما عيشتنا بابَ ال
فراديس بمسخوطه
46. No spies provoke the lazy
To wake or rouse them.
٤٦. ولا صبوتنا في با
بِ جيرون بأنشوطة
47. They are cloaked from April
With countless unmatched covers.
٤٧. مغانٍ ما تني تبع
ثُ للكسلانِ تنشيطه
48. So how much my life was mixed
By one I loved and their meddling!
٤٨. تَغَشَّتْها من المزنِ
غواشٍ غيرُ مقْشوطَه
49. And how much my soul was marked
By someone I knew not to mark!
٤٩. فكم خلَّط عيشي ثَمَّ
مَن أَهوى تخاليطه
50. Dragging the train of my gown
In their courtyards with gathered skirts.
٥٠. وكم نوَّط روحي ر
شأٌ ما عِفتُ تَنْويطه
51. Obeying the command of a soul
To kill - lethal and knotted.
٥١. جَرورَ الذيل في أَفيا
ئها مُنسحِبَ الفُوطه
52. Until old age sufficed me -
Content without embalming.
٥٢. مُطيعاً أمرَ نفسٍ ب
علاطِ القَتْل معلوطه
53. My cheerfulness withered
Or not - so twist it!
٥٣. إلى أن سامني تكفي
نَهُ الشيبُ وتحنيطَه
54. I stripped myself of reason's
Bridle, frayed and unraveled.
٥٤. وآضتْ بُسْرَتي خَرُّو
بةً أو لا فبَلُّوطه
55. So beware implicating me
In what I hate to be implicated!
٥٥. تَعرَّيتُ فنفسي من
عقالِ الهمِّ مَنشوطه
56. How much has time disappointed me,
Yet I have not accepted its disappointment!
٥٦. فإِياكَ وتوريط
يَ ما أكرهُ توريطَه
57. For neither were souls created
To be beaten down with the stick of humiliation.
٥٧. فكم قَنَّطني الدهرُ
فما باليتُ تقنيطه
58. Nor were hides created
To be branded with the marks of disgrace.
٥٨. فلا كانت نفوسٌ ب
عصا الذلّة مَخْبوطه
59. My chastity refused for me
To enjoy such a life or tie its knot.
٥٩. ولا كانتْ جلودٌ بِ
سماتِ الذلِّ مَسْمُوطَه
60. And my asceticism from the dinars of wealth -
So leave off its cents!
٦٠. أبتْ لي عفتي تحل
ل ذا العيش وتَزْييطَه
٦١. وزُهْدي في قناطيرِ ال
غنى فاترُكْ قراريطَه