
The nightingale never ceases its melodious singing,

مغرد الليل ما يألوك تغريدا

1. The nightingale never ceases its melodious singing,
It has filled the land as it calls out to the dawn with great effort.

١. مُغرِّدُ الليل ما يألوكَ تغريدا
ملَّ الكرى فهو يدعو الصبحَ مجهودا

2. When it became enraptured it shook its wings in rapture,
And stretched its voice as the neck stretches.

٢. لما تَطَرَّب هزَّ العطفَ من طرَبٍ
ومدَّ للصوتِ لما مدَّه الجيدا

3. Like one wearing a bejeweled collar, with flowing sides,
The white flowers laugh from its black edges.

٣. كلابسٍ مِطرفاً مرُخٍ جوانبهُ
تضاحِكُ البيضُ من أَطرافِه السودا

4. If my state with its imitation necklace were compared
To the roses, the roses' adornment would fall short.

٤. حالي المقلَّدِ لو قيستْ قلادته
بالورد قصَّرَ عنها الوردُ توريدا

5. Two earrings of ruby that attain for it
A sharpness beyond limit.

٥. رانٍ بِفُصَّيْ عقيقٍ يدركان له
من حِدَّةٍ فيهما ما ليس محدودا

6. You would say this is the chieftain's necklace attributed
To the house of Chosroes on which the crown is fastened.

٦. تقولُ هذا عقيدُ الملك منتسباً
في آل كسرى عليه التاجُ معقودا

7. Or a knight who tightened his reins when he saw
The banner of his leader fastened for battle.

٧. أو فارسٌ شدَّ مِهْمازَيْهِ حين رأى
لواءَ قائِدهِ للحربِ معقودا

8. Reminding of his son, the cluster, when
The Pleiades told him of the cluster before dawn.

٨. مذكراً بابنه العنقود حين حكت
له الثريا قبيل الصبح عنقودا