
Muzaffar, as his name suggests, victorious,

مظفر كاسمه مظفر

1. Muzaffar, as his name suggests, victorious,
With a lion's morals and a gentle nature,

١. مُظَفَّرٌ كاسمه مُظَفَّرْ
أخلاقُ ليثٍ وَخَلْقُ جُؤْذَرْ

2. Whenever we saw other than him as a full moon,
Rising in a bright sky and with forgiveness,

٢. ما إن رأينا سواهُ بدراً
يطلعُ في جوشنٍ وَمِغْفَر

3. On his saddle shakes a feminized rod,
With masculine swaying that masculinizes,

٣. يهتزُّ في سرجه قضيبٌ
مُؤنَّثٌ دَلُّهُ مذكَّر

4. If he unsheathed his spear you'd say Amro,
Or unsheathed his sword you'd say Antar,

٤. إن أَشْرَعَ الرمحَ قلتَ عمروٌ
أم أَصلتَ السيفَ قلتَ عنتر

5. I am amazed by a horseman who saw him,
From a league away, how did he not tear,

٥. عجبتُ من فارسٍ رآه
من فرسخٍ كيف لم يُقَطَّر

6. The wind never shook him except,
That hearts upon him flutter and tear,

٦. لم تَجْلُهُ الريحُ قطُّ إلاّ
ظَلَّتْ عليه القلوبُ تُنْشَر

7. From his eyelashes he unsheathes a sword,
Sharper than an unsheathed sword when it is bared,

٧. يُشْهَرُ من مُقْلَتَيْهِ سَيْفٌ
أمضى من السَّيْفِ حين يُشْهَر

8. For when he unsheathes a sword,
His eyelashes have killed an army prepared.

٨. فهو إلى أن يَسُلَّ سيفاً
قد قتلتْ مقلتاهُ عَسْكَر