
You went away, leaving me to sorrow,

مضيت وخلفتني للأسى

1. You went away, leaving me to sorrow,
Bereft of solace, bereaved of joy.

١. مضيتَ وخلَّفتني للأسى
عديمَ العزاءِ فقيدَ الأُسى

2. I count the friend as foe, and find
No sweetness in companion or in place.

٢. أعُدُّ الصديقَ عدوّاً ولا
ألذُّ الجليسَ ولا المجلسا

3. O Abul-Kasim, did the parting spirits rob you,
Or did you choose their garb for your attire?

٣. أبا القاسمِ اغتصبتْكَ النَّوى
أم اخترتَ مَلْبَسَها ملبسا

4. You went your way, leaving your lonely friend
Forlorn, who once could call on you when lorn.

٤. فسِرْتَ وأوحشتَ منْ لم تزلْ
له عند وحْشَتِهِ مُؤنِسا

5. A brother cried his wishes day and night
At dawn, perhaps today will bring relief;

٥. أخاً بات فيك يناجي المنى
فطوراً لعلَّ وطوراً عسى

6. And when time favored him, it turned aside,
And when you hardened, it in turn grew hard.

٦. وكان الزمانُ به رافقاً
فلمَّا قسَوْتَ عليه قسا

7. Who found you generous reaped ample fruit,
Who taxed your patience beggared his hope.

٧. لئن ظلَّ من وجده مُثْرياً
لقد ظلَّ من صبرِه مُفْلِسا

8. Parting has cast me on rejection's shore,
Parting, which does confound the skilled in lore.

٨. رماهُ الفراقُ على غِرَّةٍ
وكان إذا ما رمى قرْطَسا

9. The morning breeze for me doth speak your name,
As though it echoed in a calling voice.

٩. وأنطقَ عنه لسان الصِّبا
جوىً مثلُه يُنْطِقُ الأخرسا

10. O Scribe of learning, lustrous as the day,
How few are garbed as you are with renown!

١٠. أبا القاسمِ المكتَسي للعلا
مُحَبَّرَةً قَلَّ ما تُكْتَسى

11. On you my greetings rest, youth I betrayed,
Whose bright-lit morn eve's shadows overcast.

١١. عليك سلامُ فتىً غادرتْ
نواك ضُحى يومِهِ حِنْدِسا

12. Had we but bribed the spirits with our souls,
Those precious souls we would have offered them!

١٢. لو أَنَّ النوى قَبِلَتْ رشوةً
إِذاً لرشونا النَّوى الأنْفُسا