
Patience is a virtue, so be patient

الصبر من عدد الرزايا فاصبر

1. Patience is a virtue, so be patient
The impatient is like the tardy

١. الصبرُ من عُدَدِ الرَّزايا فاصبرِ
إِنَّ المُطيلَ تلهفاً كالمُقْصِرِ

2. Days will not cease their havoc
Nor the anguish of the anguished, or the tears of those who cry

٢. لن يَفْثَأ الأيامَ عن فَتَكاتِها
جَزَعُ الجزوعِ وَعَبْرَةُ المُستَعبِرِ

3. Such are calamities, as you know, and we are all
Witnesses and victims of their plots

٣. هُنَّ الخطوبُ كما علمتَ وكلُّنا
من كيدِهِنَّ بمسمعٍ وبمنظر

4. Hardship walks along, it fears no rich brother
It turns away from him, and is not softened for the needy

٤. تمشي الضَّراءَ فما تهابُ أخا غنىً
فتحيدُ عنه ولا ترقُّ لمقْترِ

5. Time has swept away their glories, aiming arrows
At a target, neglecting no speech of protectors

٥. عَصَفَ الزمانُ بِجُرْهُمٍ وسما إلى
طَسْمٍ ولم يُغْفِلْ مقاولَ حمير

6. Consider how Tubba spared and forgave
Chosroes, or how he pardoned Caesar

٦. أُنْظُرْ أُعافَى تبَّعاً عفَّ عن
كسرى فَخَلَّدَ أَو عفا عن قَيْصَرِ

7. Oh Abu Muhammad the Glorious, his affliction
Is with Abu Shuja, his carefully selected mate

٧. أأبا محمدٍ الجليلِ مصابُه
بأبي شجاعٍ صنوِهِ المتخيَّر

8. His brother after him, his brother
In character, his brother in lineage

٨. بشقيقِه من خَلْفِهِ وشقيقِه
في خُلْقه وشقيقِهِ في العُنْصُر

9. It was not known that his death
Was certain, so it came at its time though unpleasant

٩. ما كانَ معلوماً بأَنَّ حلوله
حتمٌ فحلَّ لوقتهِ لو يُنْكَر

10. Who with the fangs of fate has not been torn
Or by the claws of destiny been gashed

١٠. من ذا بأنيابِ الردى لم يُفْتَرَسْ
أم من بمخلبِ صَرْفِهِ لم يُعْقَر

11. Accept matters with a content and obedient heart
For the Planner of affairs, not the planned

١١. فالْقَ الأمورَ بقلبِ راضٍ مذعنٍ
لمدبِّرٍ للأمرِ غيرِ مدبَّر

12. A young man's trials reveal the worth of the man
As fire tells the value of amber

١٢. مِحَنُ الفتى يُخْبِرْنَ عن فضلِ الفتى
كالنارِ مخبرةٌ بفضلِ العنبر

13. Oh House of Tayfur, how generosity
Has been diffused through us, and were it not for you, it would not have been diffused

١٣. يا آل طاروفٍ بكمْ شُهِرَ النَّدى
فينا ولولا أنتمُ لم يُشْهَر

14. How many groups have attained, by your hands
What the hands of no company attained

١٤. كم معشرٍ نالت بكمْ أَيديهمُ
ما لم تَنَلْهُ قطُّ أَيدي معشر

15. They said, as the days took their turns against them
In Persia, that long life belongs to Ja'far

١٥. قالوا وقد عَدَتِ المنونُ عليهم
في فارسٍ طولُ البقاءِ بجعفر