
O you who sincerely loves me

يا ذا الذي يصدقني وده

1. O you who sincerely loves me
And your love is no lie as if true

١. يا ذا الذي يَصدُقُني وُدَّهُ
وليس مكذوبٌ كمصدوقِ

2. You are the father of Abd Al-Ilah, a man
With unmatched glory, never preceded

٢. أنت أبا عبد الإله امرؤٌ
سابقُ مجدٍ غيرُ مسبوق

3. You were created in the most honorable of creations
Thus you are of the most honorable creations

٣. خُلِقتَ في أكرم ما خلقةٍ
فأنت من أكرم مخلوق

4. Not like the rogues whose love
I gained as much as a blower gains in the horn

٤. لا كالألى حَصَّلتُ من وُدِّهم
ما حصَّل النافخُ في البوق

5. My goods are unsellable to them
As unsellable as water to a strangled man

٥. بضاعتي كاسدةٌ عندهم
كسادَ ماءٍ عند مخنوق

6. So wonder, for in my words there is a wonder
Led by a leader more amazing than leaders

٦. فاعجبْ ففي قوليَ أُعجوبةٌ
منسوقها أعجبُ منسوق

7. My home is Damascus as you can see
Yet my oil is from the market

٧. منزليَ الشامُ كما قد ترى
وإنما زيتي من السُّوق

8. The beard of one who accepts this beard
Is only fit for a toy bear

٨. لحيةُ مَن يرضى بذا لحيةٌ
ما صَلُحَت إلا لدَبُّوق