1. Drag the tail of misguidance over the two moons
Their beauty does not come close to yours
١. جَرِّر عَلى القَمَرَين ذَيلَ التيهِ
لَم يَأتِ حُسنُهُما بِما تَأتيهِ
2. The face of the sun only blushed out of shyness
When compared to your teeth in simile
٢. ما احمَرّ وَجهُالشَمسِ إِلّا خَجلَةً
غِذ قُورِنت لِسَناكَ في التَشبيهِ
3. And the full moon, when it did not equal you in its fullness
Or was it revealing its imperfectness, lacking your perfection?
٣. وَالبَدرُ لَمّا ما ثَلُوكَ بِتّمِّهِ
أَوما لِنَقصِ كَمالِهِ يُبديهِ
4. Your beauty dazzled all other beauties
Indeed, the lamp outshines the brightness of dawn that hides it
٤. بَهَرَت مَحاسِنُكَ المَحاسِنَ كُلَّها
إِنّ السِراجَ سَنا الضُحى يُخفيهِ
5. Was the secret of love anything but concealed
Until your attributes spread it out in the world?
٥. هَل كانَ سِرُّ الحُبِّ إِلّا مُضمَراً
فَغَدَت صِفاتُك في الوَرى تُفشِيهِ
6. Who can describe one whom the houris of paradise cannot speak of
A branch bent by the youthful breeze, not the morning breeze
٦. مَن لِلخَواطِرِ أَن تُحاوِلَ وَصفَ مَن
إِن عَنَّ حُورُ العَينِ لا تَحكِيهِ
7. Picking passion for you but not able to pick it
He stood up blooming in the garden of beauties
٧. غُصنٌ تَثَنّى بِالصِبا لا بِالصَبا
يَجنِي عَلَيك هَوىً وَلا تَجنِيهِ
8. The hand of creation embroidered its gardens
With what the gardener adorned the garden of cultivation
٨. قَد قامَ في رَوضِ المَحاسِنِ يانِعاً
فَنَعيمُ أَبصارِ البَصائِرِ فيهِ
9. Its masterpieces surpassed all others
If you saw it, you wouldn’t accept anything else as its equal
٩. وَوَشَت يَدُ الإِبداعِ في وَجَناتِهِ
ما المُزنُ في رَوضِ الرُبى وَاشِيه
10. Its youth, perfect and refined
And the garden is proud of its sky that makes it dark
١٠. راقضت بَدائِعُهُ فَإِن أَبصَرتَهُ
لَم تَرضَ في بَعضِ الرُبى بِشَبِيهِ
11. For God a blossoming rose in lily
Modestly blushing to protect its shyness
١١. فَشَبابُهُ جَمُّ الغَضارة مُنعَمٌ
وَالرَوضُ غِبُّ سَمائِهِ يُمسِيهِ
12. Its glance narrates the magic of Harut
And its beauty narrates that of Joseph
١٢. لِلّهِ وَردٌ ناضِرٌ في سَوسَن
غَضٌّ حَيا اِستِحيائِهِ يَحمِيهِ
13. Beauty adorned it with every wonder
As if it only cared for whom you care for
١٣. عَن سِحرِ هارُوتٍ يُحدِّثُ لَحظُهُ
وَجَمالُهُ عَن يُوسُفٍ يَروِيه
14. If anything in this world could revive the dead
It would only be joining with you that would revive it
١٤. خَلَعَ الجَمالُ عَلَيهِ كُلّ بِدِيعَةٍ
فَكَأَنّه يُعنى بِمَن تَعنِيهِ
15. When beauty called me to rave about it
And removed the sleep of thought with awakening
١٥. لَو كانَ يُحيي المَوتَ شَيءٌ في الدُنى
ما كانَ إِلّا وَصلُهُ يُحِييهِ
16. I created marvels where the doubts of slanderers fail
Since I do not name it or give it a kunya
١٦. لَمّا دَعاني الحسنُ أَن أَهفُو بِهِ
وَأَزال نَومَ الفِكرِ بالتَنبِيهِ
17. I obscured the knowledge of the beloved with artfulness
And man really succeeds through artfulness
١٧. أَبدَعتُ أِين يَخيب ظَنّ عَواذِلي
إِذ لا أُسمِّيهِ وَلا أَكنِيهِ
18. Its cheeks softer than the breeze, a hint
Rather like glass that shows you what is inside
١٨. صَحَّفتُ مَعرفةً الحَبيب مُمَوِّهاً
وَلَقَد يَفوزُ المرءُ بِالتَمويهِ
19. So go, my ransom, in sequence from the last
And if you hit the target, you will deafen it
١٩. خُدها أَرَقّ مِن النَسيم إِشارَة
بَل كَالزجَاجِ يُريكَ ما يَحوِيهِ
20. From a poet whose secrets of their chest poured out
To you all, like flint when you strike it
٢٠. فَاِقصُد فَدَيتُك ثامِناً مِن آخرٍ
فَإِذا رَميتَ صَميمَهُ تُصمِيهِ
21. O you whom its love came to me a comfort
To passion whether it distances him or draws him near
٢١. مِن شاعِرٍ صَدَرَت خَبايا صَدرِهِ
لَكُمُ كَمِثل الزندِ إِذ تُورِيهِ
22. Turn back your glance and examine the people of love
Not every eye roams around in tumult equally
٢٢. يا ذا الَّذي جاني هَواهُ تَنَعُّمٌ
لِلصَبِّ إِذ يُقصِيهِ أَو يُدنِيهِ
٢٣. أَعِدِ التِفاتَكَ وَاختبِر أَهلَ الهَوى
ما كُلّ طِرفٍ في الوَغى تُجرِيهِ