
My heart is obedient to your heart

طوعُ قلبك !

1. My heart is obedient to your heart
How can you say you have broken your vow?!

١. إنّ قلبي طوعُ قلبكْ
كيف قل لي بعتَ عهدكْ ؟!

2. And my feeling is like your rose
How can you water the rose in your absence

٢. وشعوري مثلُ وردكْ
كيف تُسقي الوردَ بُعدكْ

3. And my yearning is like your fragrance
How can your indifference quench my passion?!

٣. وحنيني مثلُ عطركْ
كيف تروي الشّوقَ زُهْدَكْ ؟!

4. Oh how wretchedly you sought my murder..
How much do I long today for yours?!

٤. ياشقياً رُمتَ قتلي ..
كم أتوقُ اليومَ قتلكْ ؟!

5. And unjustly you broke my heart..
If only I were the dagger of your heart

٥. وظلوماً حزّ قلبي ..
ليتني سكّينُ قلبكْ

6. Oh how merciless is your misguidance!
After me, whom else will you mislead?!

٦. آه ما أقسى ضلالكْ !
من تُرى بعدي أَضلّكْ ؟!

7. And my madness is from your aloofness
If only I had not chosen to love you

٧. وجنوني من شرودكْ
ليتني ما أخترتُ حبّكْ

8. So save me from your coldness
Rouse the horizons against you

٨. فلتغثني من برودكْ
هيّج الآفاقَ ضدّكْ

9. And return to me from your madness
Fill my inspiration with the hunt of your senses

٩. ولتعُدْ لي من جنونكْ
ملّ بوحي صَيْدَ حسّكْ

10. Every wound I have is from your shackles
Oh from my despair and your bond

١٠. كلّ جرحي من قيودكْ
آه من قهري وقيدكْ