1. I did not know the meaning of crying
Until my innermost thoughts cried for him
١. وَ لَقَدْ جهلتُ مِن البُكا معناهُ
حتَّى تَفَتَّقَ خاطري فبكاهُ
2. The echoes of my soul flowed after him
And his memory branched out in my mind
٢. وَ تحدَّرتُ أنداءُ رُوحي إثْرَه
وَاشَّعَّبتْ في مُهْجَتِي ذِكراهُ
3. I drowned in the tears of worries and sorrow
And went on like a lost lamb
٣. وَ غرقتُ في دَمعِ الهواجِسِ وَ الأسى
وَمضيتُ كالخَرِفِ المُضَيِّعِ فاهُ
4. I fled from the bow of death with purpose
Until its arrow hit me, crying out to him
٤. وَ فَررتُ مِن قَوسِ المَنَايا بِالنَّوى
حتَّى رَمانِي سَهمُها ينعاهُ
5. I found in the crime of my soul a pain
From the passion of my grief, from the harvest of his groan
٥. وَ وَجدتُ في جُرمِ الجوانِحِ لوعة ً
مِن وَجدِ حُزنِي , مِن جَنَى مَنآهُ
6. And I grew sick from a patience that gnaws my gentleness
For patience is desolate and crying is its remedy
٦. وَ سَقِمْتُ من صبرِ يعضُّ حَشاشتي
فالصبرُ وَحشٌ وَ البُكا نَاباهُ
7. Oh my father, the calamity scattered me
When you died, oh my father
٧. أوَّاهُ يا أبتاهُ بعثرَنِي الرَّدى
إبَّانَ موتِكَ يا أبِي أوَّاهُ
8. Misery settled inside me, and possessed me
Who can I have after you that I wish to meet?
٨. سَكنَ الشَّقاءُ بِداخِلي , وَ احتَلَّني
مَنْ لِي بِبُعدِكَ أَشتهِي لُقياهُ ؟
9. Who can I have, my father, when night falls
To water my heart with the dew of his intimacy?
٩. مَنْ لِي إذا جَنَّ الدُّجَى يا وَالدي
يَسقي فؤادي مِن نَدى نجواهُ ؟
10. Who can I have like you, if I spilled in his palm
My soul, overflowing with mercy to suffice him?
١٠. مَن لِي بِمِثلِكَ لو نَثرتُ بِكَفِّهِ
رُوحي , فَفَاضَتْ رَحْمَةً كَفَّاهُ ؟
11. And who, if I embraced, would shed tears
From his eyes out of my own passion?
١١. وَ مَنِ الذي لو أحتويِهِ بأَضلُعي
فَاغْرَورَقَتْ بِدُموعِهِ عَيناهُ ؟
12. Or at whose feet can I pour my fervor
Kissing to quiet my fluttering, oh father?
١٢. أَو مَنْ عَلَى قَدَمَيهِ أسكبُ لَهْفَتِي
قُبلاً تُسكِّنُ خَافِقي .. أبتاهُ ؟
13. You, o vision of heaven in my eyes
Were you not the one who spread goodness with his prayer?
١٣. يا أنتَ يَاوحْيَ السَّمَاء بِناظِري
أَوَلَسْتَ مَنْ نَشَرَ السَّنَا بدُعاهُ ؟
14. Were you not the one who watered the world in my presence
And I hoped for your rain, seeking its watering?
١٤. أَولستَ مَنْ رَوَّى الدٌّنَى فِي حَاضِري
وَرَجوتُ غيثَكَ أبتغي سُقياهُ ؟
15. I ransom you, you are my father, if not for fate
And destiny ‒ you are the one I loved
١٥. أَفديكَ أنتَ أَبِي أَنَا لَولا الرَّدَى
لَولا القضاءُ فَأنتَ مَنْ أَهواهُ
16. You are the one who revived my soul whenever
You cheered my heart, relieving its complaints
١٦. أَنتَ الذي أنعشتَ روحي كُلمَا
آنستَ قلبي نازعًا شكواهُ
17. After the loss, I went on pointlessly in my life
A slave burned after the loyalty of his Master
١٧. وَ مضيتُ بعدَ الفقدِ فِي عُمري سُدىً
عَبداً قَلَى بعدَ الوَفا مولاهُ
18. I was left alone, riding misery in the morning
Like spells and their resolution is its meaning
١٨. وَ خَلوتُ وحدي أمتطي بُؤساً غَدَا
كَطلاسمٍ وَ حُلُولُها مَعناهُ
19. The crops of sorrow fell upon my misery
And the world evaporated in my grief
١٩. وَ تَساقطتْ في شَقوتي مِزَعُ الضَّنا
وَتبخَّرَتْ في حَسرتِي دُنياهُ
20. No pulse in my blood forgot your memory
Or did your voice, oh father, and its echo fade
٢٠. مَا تاهَ عَنْ ذِكراكَ نبضٌ في دَمي
أوغابَ صوتُكَ يا أبِي وَ صَداهُ
21. I forgot what died in the time of luxury
And forgot to forget the one who made me wealthy
٢١. وَ نَسيتُ مَاقد ماتَ مِن زَمَنِ الغِنَى
وَنَسيتُ أنْ أَنسى الذي أغناهُ
22. And I found in myself fragments of serenity
And I recovered from my illness and lived its filth
٢٢. وَ لَقيتُ في نَفسي شَظايا سَلوةٍ
وسَلمتُ من سَقمي وَ عِشتُ قَذاهُ
23. I cried from the memory of conversations past
And I wished, oh if only! But alas!
٢٣. وَ بكيتُ من ذِكرى أحاديثٍ مضتْ
وَحَننتُ لَكنْ , هلْ عَسى ؟ وَيلاهُ !
24. You are still, my father, youth in my eye
You are still the pulse of my longing and hope
٢٤. مَا زِلتَ يَا أبتاهُ فِي عَيني سَنَا
لا زلتَ نبضَ تَشَوُّقِي وَ رَجاهُ
25. I did not know, my father, that when
I lost “my life,” the one who consoled it was gone
٢٥. مَا كُنتُ أعلمُ يا أبِي أَنِّي إِذا
فارقتُ " عُمري " غَابَ مَنْ وَاساهُ
26. I care little for words resembling blindness
If not for it, my hand would not have moved
٢٦. إِنِّي زَهدتُ الحرفَ يُشْبهَهُ العَمَى
لولاهُ ما انتفضتْ يَدي لولاهُ
27. And I care little for a revelation resembling misery
After the one who equaled it in safety
٢٧. وَ زَهدتُ مِن بَوحٍ يُشاكلُهُ العَنَا
بعدَ الذي بالأَمْنِ قدْ سَاوَاهُ
28. I released my poetry wandering in itself
And I left my thoughts roaming free to graze
٢٨. وَ نَشرتُ شِعرِي هائِماً في ذَاتِهِ
وَ تَركتُ فِكْرِي ساهِماً يَرْعَاهُ
29. And I composed from my passion poems of my burning pain
So his memory was scattered in my stillness
٢٩. وَ نَظمتُ مِن وَجدي لَفائِحَ لَوعَتي
فَتَبَعْثرتْ في هَدأتِي ذِكْرَاهُ
30. The earth is still and I am still above it
If only the one it hid, it had saved
٣٠. سَكَنَ الثَّرى وَ سَكَنْتُ لكنْ فَوقَهُ
لَيتَ الذي أخْفَاه قد نَجَّاهُ
31. May God have mercy on him, grant him the best refuge
The gardens of Eden as his dwelling
٣١. رُحماكَ ربِّي هَبْ لَهُ نِعْمَ الحِمَى
جَناتِ عَدْنٍ بِالجَزَا مَثواهُ
32. Rain upon his soul the abundance of contentment
And quench the earth ‒ may You water him, O God
٣٢. أَغْدِقْ عَلَى أَحنائِهِ فيضَ الرِّضا
وَ اسقِ الثَّرى , سُقياكَ يَا اللهُ
33. Raise him, O Lord, and gather us to live happy together forever
Raise him in the garden of the retreat ‒ raise him, O Lord
٣٣. ربَّاه وَ اجمعنا نَعِش أبداً معًا
ربَّاه في رَوضِ المُنَى ربَّاهُ