
Your morning is poetry, and a blushing cheek

صباحك شعر

1. Your morning is poetry, and a blushing cheek
And a lovebird chirped on the branch

١. صَباحُكَ شِعرٌ , وَ خدٌّ تَوَرَّدْ
وَ عُصفُورُ حُبٍّ عَلَى الغُصنِ غَرَّدْ

2. And yearning, and whispering; and clouds of passion
And love's calls, and longing echoed

٢. وَ طَلٌّ , وَ هَمسٌ ؛ وَ غَيماتُ وَجدٍ
وَ أَنداءُ عِشقٍ , وَ شَوقٌ تَرَدَّدْ

3. Your morning is a rose, and yearning, and drops
That fly to you with a heart that sighed

٣. صَباحُكَ وَردٌ , وَ طَلٌّ , وَ قَطرٌ
يَطِيرُ إِلَيكَ بِقَلبٍ تَهَجَّدْ

4. And shadows that gaze at you; so they rave
For my heart in yours in which you are joyful

٤. وَ أَطيافُ تَرنُو إِلَيكَ ؛ فَيَهفُو
لِقَلبِكَ قَلبِي الذِي فِيهِ تَسعَدْ

5. Your morning is poetry, and the tenderness of ink
And the elegance of a line, and a letter that sighed

٥. صَباحُكَ شِعرٌ , وَ تَحنانُ حِبرٍ
وَ أَفياءُ سَطرٍ , وَ حَرفٌ تَنَهَّدْ

6. And a soul's aromas of light that transcend
With a subtle sense; and pearlescent light

٦. وَ أَطيابُ رُوحٍ مِنَ النُّورِ تَسمُو
بِحِسٍّ شَفِيفٍ ؛ وَ ضَوءٍ زَبَرجَدْ

7. Your morning is light, and fragrant incense
And murmuring water like an outstretched palace

٧. صَباحُكَ نُورٌ , وَ عِطرٌ بَخُورٌ
وَ ماءٌ نَمِيرٌ كَصَرحٍ مُمَرَّدْ

8. Songs of love's melodies
With all my feelings toward you multiplied

٨. تَراتِيلُ مِنْ نَغَماتِ غَرامٍ
بِمِلءِ شُعُورِي إِلَيكَ تَوَدَّدْ

9. Your morning is a field of flowers growing
With thistles on its sides; and it extends

٩. صَباحُكَ حَقلٌ مِنَ الزَّهرِ تَنمُو
عَلَى جانِبَيهِ الأَقاحُ ؛ وَ تَمتَدْ

10. And the mint of my soul that finds in you
A heart with my heart it has united

١٠. وَ نَعناعُ رُوحِي التِي فِيكَ تَلقَى
مِنَ الوُدِّ قَلبًا بِقَلبِي تَوَحَّدْ

11. Your morning is true certainty, a conjunction
Like the purity of covenants, a confirmed matter

١١. صَباحُكَ صِدقُ اليَقِينِ , ائتِلاقٌ
كَطُهرِ المَواثِيقِ , أَمرٌ مُؤَكَّدْ

12. And my letter's tremor testifies that
I cherish you, and God witness, He witnesses

١٢. وَ تَشهَدُ رِعشَةُ حَرفِي بِأَنِّي
أُجِلُّكَ , وَ اللَّهِ ياشَهْدُ يَشهَدْ

13. Your morning? Or is it the dawn of my preoccupation
With a book of love from yearning etching?

١٣. صَباحُكَ ؟ أَمْ ذاكَ صُبحُ انشِغالِي
بِمَكتُوبِ عِشقٍ مِنَ الشَّوقِ يَحتَدْ ؟

14. To give you from the lilies of my conscience
An essence; and a feeling delicately renewed

١٤. لِيُهدِيكَ مِنْ سَوسَناتِ ضَمِيرِي
رَحِيقًا ؛ وَ حسّاً مُوَشّى مُجَدّدْ