
Oh separation, remembering you stirred up what was dormant in me,

أيا هجر ذكراك هيج ما بيا

1. Oh separation, remembering you stirred up what was dormant in me,
And ignited a fire, fueling it in my heart,

١. أيا هجرٌ ذكراكِ هيَّجَ ما بيا
وأجَّجَ ناراً وَقدُها في فؤاديا

2. And increased my love for those who once dwelled in it,
My friends and those dear to my heart.

٢. وزاد غرامي ذكر مَن كان قاطناً
بها من أصَيحابي وأهل وِداديا

3. If only there was someone who could reunite those whose company was scattered,
And make them again an exemplar group, empty of defects.

٣. ألا مَن لصحب شتَّت البين شملهم
وصيَّر منهم مربَع الفضل خاليا

4. May God watch over the days I spent with them,
And the valley in which they dwelt—may God watch over that valley.

٤. رعى الله أياماً تقضَّين مَعهمُ
ووادٍ به كانوا رعى الله واديا

5. I would be thankful for the nights that passed near them,
While after them I cannot thank the nights.

٥. لأشكر ليلاتٍ مضينَ بقربهم
ومِن بعدها لا أشكرنَّ اللَّياليا

6. Nights whose mornings brought every virtuous man,
Loyal to a covenant, not unfaithful and insensitive.

٦. ليالٍ غدى سُمّارها كلُّ فاضلٍ
وفيٍّ لعهدٍ ليس للخِلِّ جافيا

7. I accompanied them for a time in God, and they
Remain in my heart and soul, having settled there.

٧. صحبتهمُ في الله دهراً وإنهم
لفي القلب ليلى أسكنوا وفؤاديا

8. Sincere, honorable friends—though they are far,
They have not departed from my soul.

٨. أخلاّء صدقٍ من كرام أعزةٍ
لئن بعدوا لم يرحلوا عن فؤاديا

9. They are brothers of purity—after them
My life grew troubled, I see no water clear.

٩. أولئك إخوان الصفاء فبعدَهم
تكدَّرَ عيشي لا أرى الماءَ صافيا

10. Perhaps we will reunite after this separation, but
The Merciful has decreed that we not meet again.

١٠. لعلَّ اجتماعاً بعدَ بينٍ وربما
ولكن قضى الرحمن ألاَّ تلاقيا

11. My grief is no greater than the shock
That shook Islam, toppling all its pillars.

١١. ولا كمصاب الطفٍّ أعظِم بوقعةٍ
بها انهدَّ في الإسلام ما كان راسيا

12. It is as if I see my master al-Husayn, who went
Alone, no defender beside him there.

١٢. كأني بمولاي الحسين وقد غدا
وحيداً ولم يلفِ هناك محاميا

13. He cried in a voice that split the rocks: “Is there a noble youth
Who will defend Allah and be rewarded in the final judgment?”

١٣. ينادي بصوتٍ يصدع الصخر هل فتىً
يحامي فيلقى الله في الحشر جازيا

14. And when Allah destroyed those who were destroyed among them,
He called upon the greatest youth to call out:

١٤. ولما أباد الله مَن باد منهمُ
دعا السبطَ أعظِم بالإله مناديا

15. “To me!”—and he rushed forth and fell upon the ground,
Slain—I ransom the son of Batool, wronged!

١٥. إليه فلبَّاه فخرَّ على الثرى
قتيلاً فديت ابنَ البتولة ظاميا

16. I ransom him lying atop the plain, bloodstained,
While the sun of the emigrants melts him, bare.

١٦. فديتُ له فوق الصعيد مجدَّلا
وتصهره شمس الهواجر عاريا

17. The noble horse turned back, returning to the women,
And they saw him, the best of creation, empty.

١٧. وأدبر ينعاه الجواد إلى النسا
فأبصرنه من خيرة الخلق خاليا

18. They tore their clothes, screaming,
And came to Husayn while he probed his own blood.

١٨. فشقَّقن منهنَّ الجيوبَ صوارخاً
وجئنَ حسيناً وهو يفحص داميا

19. They saw him—the noble one—dusty,
Collapsed upon his chest which had been bloodied.

١٩. فأبصرنَه وهو الكريمُ معفراً
على صدره كان الضبابّي جاثيا

20. And they said to Shimr: “Woe to you, Shimr! Leave him be!
Surely God, before His throne, will be pleased with you.”

٢٠. وقلن لشمرٍ ويك يا شمرُ خَلِّهِ
ترى عنك رب العرش في الحشر راضيا

21. “Oh Shimr, this is the son of Batool Fatimah,
And a piece of one who through the night called to God.

٢١. أيا شمر هذا ابن البتولة فاطم
وبضعة مَن من قد بات لله داعيا

22. Oh Shimr, this is the best walker and rider
And the best youth who ever circumambulated the Kaaba.”

٢٢. أيا شمر هذا خير ماشٍ وراكبِ
وخير فتىً لله قد طاف ساعيا

23. Without hesitation, he severed the head of the grandson,
And mounted it atop the lofty spearheads.

٢٣. ومَيَّز رأسَ السبط لا متأثّماً
وأركبه سمر اللّدان العواليا