
This mosque I have founded

إن هذا لمسجد أسسته

1. This mosque I have founded
Through pious spending, seeking God's grace

١. إِن هَذا لمسجد أَسسته
في سَبيل التقى بِذا الإِنفاق

2. God, who allowed it built, will bless
This lasting home of bliss forevermore

٢. قَد بَنى اللَه الَّذي بَناه
وَهُوَ خَضر بيت النَعيم الباقي

3. Its founding has a date of virtue set
Within the house illumined at the dawn

٣. وَلَهُ بِالبِناء تاريخ فَضل
ضِمن بَيت قَد لاحَ بِالإِشراق

4. Inscribed: "God's mosque this, founded for the Lord
By Abdelbaqi, slave of the Eternal One."

٤. قال أَرخَت مَسجد اللَه هَذا
قَد بَناه لِلّه عَبد الباقي