1. To you belong the heights and the virtues
And through you to the highest aims are the means fulfilled
١. إِلَيكَ المَعالي تَنتَمي وَالفَضائل
وَمِنكَ إِلى العَليا تَتَم الوَسائل
2. And in you all honorable traits have attained perfection
And you are the ally of glory consummate in merit
٢. وَفيكَ جَميع المُكرمات تَكامَلَت
وَأَنتَ حَليف المَجد في الفَضل كامل
3. And through you the days have thrived O best of the knowing
And from your bounty's grace flows what satisfies them
٣. وَرَقَت بِكَ الأَيام يا خَير عارف
وَطابَ لَها مِن فَضل جُودك نائل
4. No wonder that they have come to offer thanks
To you, for in them from you virtues gleam
٤. فَلا غرو إِن أَضحَت تُقدم شُكرَها
إِلَيكَ فَفيها مِنكَ تَزهو الفَضائل
5. And how could it not when you've immortalized therein cognizance
To be for you evidence of pride when you take stock
٥. وَكَيفَ وَقَد خَلدت فيها مَعارفاً
تَكون لَكُم عِندَ الفَخار دَلائل
6. And you've revived through it the pursuers of knowledge after
From minds questions of it had faded and were hidden
٦. وَأَحييت مِنها دارس العلم بَعدَما
تَوارَت عَن الأَذهان مِنهُ المسائل
7. And erected in it every grace embellished
Lovely, by it you've made level the gatherings
٧. وَشيدت فيها كُل مَجد مؤثل
جَميل بِهِ أَضحت تُزان المَحافل
8. So O you who intend seriousness in attaining his merit
And attain the heights along with what he can accomplish
٨. فَيا مَن تَروم الجد في درك فَضله
وَدُرك مَعاليه وَما هُوَ فاعل
9. Step aside and desist from aspiring to his heights for verily
Remote is the reach of what you perceive and struggle for
٩. تَنحى وَأَقصر عَن مناك فَإِنَّهُ
بَعيد مَنال ما تَرى وَتُحاول
10. And that one has gathered every virtue
And attained a loftiness the ancients never attained
١٠. وَذاكَ عَلى حاز كُل فَضيلة
وَنال عُلواً لَم تَنله الأَوائل
11. And to him have submitted the heights and extended to him a hand
Seeking his protection yet from it he wrestles
١١. وَدانَت لَهُ العَليا وَمَدَت لَهُ يَدَاً
تَروم حِماهُ فَهُوَ عَنها يُناضل
12. Just as I have come to hope for loyalty's fulfillment
Of a promise that was made and binding between us
١٢. كَما أَنني أَصبَحت أَرجوه طالِباً
وَفاء توعد كانَ مِنهُ وَحاصل
13. For time has afflicted me with its twists and turns
And this magnanimous one rules with justice
١٣. فَإِن زَماني قَد جَنى بِصُروفه
عَلى وَهَذا الشَهم بِالحُكم عادل
14. So I have come to you O Pasha unrequited of my aim
And your known quality is to let flow the springs
١٤. فَجئتك يا باشا لا حظى بِنيتي
وَفَضلك مَشهور مِنكَ المَناهل
15. So fulfil my hopes through wishes and purpose
For my times with loyalty are slow to respond
١٥. فَحقق رَجائي بِالأَماني وَالمُنى
فَإِن زَماني بِالوَفاء يُماطل
16. May your sublime endure never without your splendor
As long as time endures before graces vanish
١٦. فَدام عُلاكُم لا عدمنا بِهاءكم
مَدى الدَهر حَتّى لا تَغيب الشَمائل
17. And I've said in praise of your traits' beauty
To you belong the heights and the virtues
١٧. وَقلت بِمَدحي في جَميل صِفاتَكُم
إِنيك المَعالي تَنتَمي وَالفَضائل