
The most noble of men has died, Muhammad

لقد مات أعلى الناس قدرا محمد

1. The most noble of men has died, Muhammad
He is the peerless sage of superlative merit

١. لَقَد ماتَ أَعلى الناس قَدراً محمد
هُوَ العالم القُوصي في الفَضل أَوحَد

2. Of lofty lineage, his knowledge raised him high
In times of crisis, he was steadfast and sage

٢. عَلا نسبة وَاِزداد بِالعلم رفعة
وَكانَ مَهاباً في الشَدائد يَقصد

3. Consider his lineage - the most perfect of men
Abu Al-Hajjaj his ancestor, glorious and revered

٣. حَيسب نَسيب أَكمل الناس سيرة
إِلَيهِ أَبو الحجاج جد وَمحتد

4. His ambition knew no bounds in its grandeur
Even his lesser wishes the ages bow before

٤. لَهُ همة لا مُنتهى لِكبارها
وَهمته الصُغرى لَها الدَهر يَسجد

5. After him no eloquent speaker is remembered
His days were marked by merit, none can deny

٥. وَكُل بَليغ لَيسَ يَذكر بَعده
وَأَيامه بِالفَضل لا شَك تَشهد

6. He was the most beloved man people longed to meet
All his qualities among people are praised

٦. وَكان أَجل الناس يَهوى لِقاءه
فَكُل سَجاياه لَدى الناس تَحمد

7. And when God wanted to protect his dignity
From worldly sorrows and all he endured

٧. وَلَما أَراد اللَه صَون جَنابه
مِن الهَم ف الدُنيا وَمِما يُكابد

8. He called him, summoned him, to grant all he desired
With the most noble dwelling, in bliss constructed

٨. دَعاه وَناداه لِيُعطيه ما يَشا
بَأَكرم مَثوى بِالنَعيم يَشيد

9. No wonder he lies now in his grave
For swords in their sheaths to rest are fated

٩. وَلا عَجب إِن كانَ في القَبر قَد ثَوى
فَأَن قراب السَيف لِلسَيف مغمد

10. As gold belongs in the earth covered
And pearls on the ocean floor embedded

١٠. وَلِلذهب الأبريز في التُرب مسكن
وَيَسكُن قاع البَحر دُر يَنضد

The grave is but a perfumed garden

١١. وَما القَبر إِلّا رَوضة طابَ عُرفَها
بِطيب شَذا مِن عرفته المَحامد

12. By the sweet scent of his virtues perfumed
The Lord of the Throne granted him Paradise

١٢. حَباه إِله العَرش بِالفَضل جَنة
بِهِ تَرتَقى اسمي مَقام وَتَسعد

13. By it my name is raised, joyous and blessed
So his life was contentment, the chronicler says

١٣. فَحَياه رضوان وَقالَ مُؤرِخاً
لَكَ اللَه شَرفت الجِنان محمد