
To where Umm Qushaym pitched her tent, make your way

إلى حيث ألقت رحلها أم قشعم

1. To where Umm Qushaym pitched her tent, make your way
And bid the people no farewell or end-of-season goodbye

١. إِلى حَيث أَلقَت رَحلها أُم قشعم
توجه فَما في الناس مِن متدم

2. Part from Egypt's land and do not return
For this is a better parting than a feast or season

٢. وَوَدع وَفارق أَرض مَصر وَلا تَعُد
فَهَذا فراق خَير عيد وَمَوسم

3. No one among the people shows you any destruction
Yet they provisioned you with their arrows

٣. وَما وَاحد في الناس يُبدي تَلَفاً
عَلَيكَ وَلَكن زودك بِأَسهُم

4. Do not be fooled by people's farewells
They are nations who showed affection only outwardly

٤. وَلا تغترر بِالناس عِندَ وَداعهم
فَهُم أُمم راعوا المَودة بِالفَم

5. In their mouths are hearts filled with hatred
Because you among them were the first mark

٥. وَفَيهم قُلوب أَفعمت بِكَراهة
لِأَنك فيهُم كُنت أَول أَرقَم

6. And their tears, when they flowed like the water of their hearts
Each vessel overflowed when stirred

٦. وَدَمعهمو إِذ سالَ ماء قُلوبهم
وَكُل إِناء فاضَ عِندَ تَفعم

7. And their secret was only your absence from them
Thus they attained the utmost advancement

٧. وَما سرهم إِلا بِعادك عَنهمو
فَنالوا مِن العَليا عَظيم التَقَدُم

8. While you remained among them, torment encompassed them
But after intention, they are in bliss

٨. وَما دُمت فيهم فَالعَذاب مُحيطهم
وَلَكنهم بَعدَ النَوى في تَنعم

9. You sailed to Paris seeking progress
Yet in accomplishing the paths you conform to

٩. جَنحت إِلى باريس تَبغي تَقُدماً
وَلَكن بانجاز إِلى الطُرق تَنتَمي

10. That is the iniquity of honor in Egypt cured
So you traveled Paris-ward for medicine and spoils

١٠. وَتِلكَ بداء عز في مَصر طبه
فَسافَرت باريساً لِطب وَمَغنَم

11. When Paris saw you she wept
For your arrival in her was the first calamity

١١. وَباريس لَما أَن رَأَتك لَقَد بَكَت
قُدومك فيها كانَ أَول مأتم

12. Oh woe to her people, torment befell them
And ignorance will encompass the generation after learning

١٢. فَيا وَيلَها حل العَذاب بِأَهلِها
وَسَوف يَعم الجيل بَعدَ التَعَلُم

13. You are Abu Jahl and your nature inherited
And whoever differs from their fathers in ignorance wrongs himself

١٣. فَأَنتَ أَبو جَهل وَجَبلك مورث
وَمَن خالف الآباء في الجَهل يَظلم

14. You inherited from your forefathers every disgrace
And surpassed them in wickedness and prohibition

١٤. وَرثت مِن الآباء كُل وَضيعة
وَفقت عَلَيهُم في الخَنا وَالمَحرم

15. However much natural disposition a man may have
And if he differs from it, it is hidden from people, he knows

١٥. وَمَهما يَكُن عِند امرئ مِن خَليقة
وَإِن خالَها تَخفي عَلى الناس تَعلم

16. Do not expect the nobility of high moral character from a journey
For the eyelids of high moral character toward your existence are blind

١٦. وَلا تَنتَظر نَبل المَعالي برحلة
فَجفن المَعالي عَن وُجودك قَد عَمى

17. And your hearing the attainment of high moral character is disappointing
And however prominent in the world you are, you are not respected

١٧. وَمَسعاك في نَيل المَعالي مَخيب
وَإِن جَلت في الدُنيا فَغَير معظم

18. In you are traits, if you disclosed a few
The sweet would become like Zabn Alqum

١٨. وَفيكَ خِصال لَو تُبدي قَلبلها
عَلى العَذب صارَ العَذب صابَ بن عَلقم

19. And if letters of your name were written
Musk would become unsavory

١٩. وَلَو كانَ مَكتوب مِن اسمك أَحرُفاً
عَلى المسك صار المسك غَير مقوم

20. In your name lies the shelter of poison, if you uttered it
All creation would die without funeral

٢٠. وَفي اسمك مَأوى السُم لَو نَطقت بِهِ
جَميع الوَرى ماتَت عَلى غَير مَأتم

21. And if Adam knew that you would remain in existence
He would have divorced Eve irrevocably

٢١. وَآدم لَو يَدري بِأَنك في الوَرى
سَتَبقى لا ودى الخصينتين بِمعدم

22. For that is an obligatory divorce not prohibited
Because you made him through you disobedient

٢٢. وَطَلق حَواء طَلاقاً مثلثاً
وَهَذا طَلاق وَاجب لَم يَحرم

23. And Satan an enemy of Adam
And stingy with prostration, for he

٢٣. لِأَنك قَد صَيرته بِكَ عاصِياً
وَصَيَرت إِبليساً عَدواً لِآدم

24. Saw you in their dwelling by decree
In you lies the lewdness of the Time of Ignorance that never

٢٤. وَصارَ بَخيلاً بِالسُجود لِأَنَّهُ
رَآك بِمأواهم بِأَمر محتم

25. Ceased to have claws that were not clipped
I invoke upon you the curse of God for as long as He is Capable

٢٥. وَفيكَ سَفاح الجاهِلية لَم يَزَل
لَهُ لبد أَظفاره لَم تقلم

26. And Characterizer of the life of this world and the next with blessing
Whoever is pleased that you should love him

٢٦. لَعَنت بِلَعن اللَه ما دامَ قادِراً
وَمُتَصِفاً دُنيا وَأُخرى بِمنعم

27. Will be gored by fangs and trampled by hooves
You have not ceased corrupting the land when you travel

٢٧. وَمَن كانَ يَرضي أَن تَكون محبه
يَدرس بِأَنياب وَيوطأ بِمنسم

28. For you evil is greatest whenever you are concealed
And you have not ceased to be blamed, having left Egypt

٢٨. فَلا زِلت بِالضَراء في الأَرض مُفسِداً
لَكَ الشَر مَهما سِرت أَعظَم تَوأم

29. And in other than it, you have not ceased to be disrespected
May God not return you to Egypt again

٢٩. وَلا زِلت مَذموماً لِمَصر مُفارِقاً
وَفي غَيرِها لا زِلت غَير مُكرم

30. Since you have tasted the bitterest flavor from the sea of harm
And may your blameworthy action remain chronicled

٣٠. وَلا رَدَكَ اللَه إِلَيَ مَصر تانِياً
وَقَد ذُقت مِن بَحر الرَدى شَر مطعم

31. To you abundant torment in Hellfire

٣١. وَدامَ لَكَ الفعل الذَميم مُؤرِخاً
إِلَيكَ عَذاب وافر في جَهَنَم