
Your perfect qualities have raised you to a high rank

كملت صفاتك فارتقت بك رتبة

1. Your perfect qualities have raised you to a high rank
O best chief, may you remain the greatest noble

١. كَملت صِفاتك فَاِرتَقَت بِكَ رُتبة
يا خَير بيك دُمت أَعظَم فاضل

2. You are the field of all meanings for others
To get from you the best of blessed gains

٢. كُل المَعاني أَنتَ ساحة غَيرِها
لِتَنال مِنكَ مَنال خَير مَناهل

3. You who excelled in deeds and ways
And kept the glory of early nobles with manners

٣. أَنتَ الَّذي فَقت الأَماجد سيرة
وَحفظت بِالآداب مَجد أَوائل

4. As long as you remain, your eminence remains, so seek what you wish
And for all that pleases you, be the first to attain

٤. ما دُمت دام عُلاك فَاِطلب ما تَشا
وَلِكُل ما يُرضيك أَول نائل

5. For God, your virtues have spread
The happiness of bliss has appeared with the rank of perfection

٥. لِلّه دُر فَضائل لَكَ أَرخَت
سَعد الهَناء بَدا بِرُتبة كامل