1. Oh praiser in the heights
You have reached perfection, nothing less
١. أَيا حامِداً في العُلا
بَلَغت الصَفا إِلا كَملا
2. With a blessed happy son
Who brings joy to all nobles
٢. بِنَجل سَعيد بِكم
يَهني جَميع المَلا
3. So bless and honor him
Whose highness ascended in fortune
٣. فَأَنعم وَأَكرم بِهِ
فَسَعد عُلاه اِعتَلى
4. And whose horoscope shines
As the light of bliss dawns
٤. وَطالعه قَد زَها
وَنُور الهَنا أَقبَلا
5. So revel in joy for him
And for glory yet to come
٥. فَدُم في سُرور بِهِ
وَلِلعز مُستقبلا
6. For his birth chart has brought
The most beautiful lofty house
٦. فَتارتجه قَد أَتى
بِأَجمَل بَيت علا
7. With the birth of Abdulaziz
The joy of the heights shines clear
٧. بِمَولد عَبد العَزيز
تَجلى سُرور العُلى