
How can one escape the decree of Allah

كيف التخلص من قضاء الله

1. How can one escape the decree of Allah
Or how can an oblivious denier repudiate the Exalted

١. كَيفَ التَخَلص مِن قَضاء اللَه
أَم كَيفَ يَجحَد غافل أَولاهي

2. The rule of God, His decree is unavoidable
Great is our Lord, beyond any equal

٢. حُكم الإِله وَلا مرد لِحُكمه
رب عَظيم جَل عَن أَشباه

3. He decreed and called out a soul protected by piety
And granted it the highest sublime station

٣. فَقَضى وَنادي رُوح مَحفوظ التُقى
فَأَحلها أَعلى المَقام الزاهي

4. Endowed it with gardens of eternity by His grace
And granted it great glory therein

٤. وَحَباه جَنات الخُلود بِفَضله
وَأَناله فيها عَظيم الجاه

5. So He saw it in His pleasure, and said in chronicle
Mahfouz revels in the gardens of Allah

٥. فَرَآه رُضوان فقال مُؤرِخاً
مَحفوظ يَزهو في جِنان اللَه