
The gardens of Bahā’ rejoiced at the birth of Zaynab

رياض البها رقت بمولد زينب

1. The gardens of Bahā’ rejoiced at the birth of Zaynab
Noble is she whose noble deeds are told by her father

١. رِياض البَها رقت بِمَولد زَينَب
كَريمة مَن يَروي المَكارم عَن أَب

2. And this beauty in her acts and traits
She has the nobility of character, the noblest rank

٢. وَذا حُسن في فعله وَخِصاله
لَهُ كَرَم الأَخلاق أَكرَم مَنصب

3. For her birth, good fortune smiled and spread
The perfection of joy, the honor of Zaynab's birth

٣. لِمَولِدِها لاحَت سُعود فَأَرخَت
كَمال الهَنا تَشريف مَولد زَينَب