1. Ahmad fulfilled the best obligation of his pilgrimage
And offered to his Lord the most splendid rituals
١. قَضى أَحمد خَير فَريضة حَجه
وَأَدى إِلى مَولاه أَبهى المَناسك
2. He visited the Prophet, the most noble of creation
So he attained by his journey the beautiful rewards
٢. وزار نبيا أكرم الخلق في الورى
فنال بمسعاه جميل السالك
3. Congratulations to him, for glory said the chronicler
This purity adorns you, O Khayri, with a blessed Hajj
٣. هنيئاً له فالمجد قال مؤرخاً
زها الصفو يا خيري بحج مبارك