
Oh Ahmed, joy has come to you

يا أحمدا وافت إليك مسرة

1. Oh Ahmed, joy has come to you
With a perfect newborn, may he bring you happiness

١. يا أَحمداً وافَت إلَيكَ مَسَرة
بِكَمال مَولود وَفي إِسعاده

2. Congratulations on him, his story has blossomed
In a poem whose recital adorns it

٢. فَاِهنأ بِهِ فَلَقد زَها تاريخه
في بَيت شعر قَد حَلا إِيراده

3. Praise be to God for Muhammad his prophet
Who brought good tidings with his blessed birth

٣. لِلّه در محمد بيبائه
وافى بخير بَشائر مِيلاده