
Time rejoices at Ahmad's birth

الدهر في فرح بمولد أحمد

1. Time rejoices at Ahmad's birth
He is glorious, descended from the glorious

١. الدَهر في فرح بِمَولد أَحمَد
هُوَ ماجد مُتناسل عَن أَمجَد

2. He was blessed and honored, his cradle was nobility
And the milk of his upbringing was the purest substance

٢. أَنعم وَأكرَم فَالنجابة مهده
وَغذاء نَشأتهُ لبان السُؤدد

3. Through his father's glory he prospers
And through him the highest merit is attained

٣. فَلمجد وَالده الهَنا بسعوده
وَبِهِ يَنال الفَضل أَشرَف مَقصَد

4. And through him Safa proclaimed and said chronicling
Good tidings have reached with the purity of Ahmad's birth

٤. وَبِهِ الصَفا نادى وَقال مُؤَرِخاً
بُشرى سَمَت بِصَفاء مَولد أَحمَد