
Good tidings! Success has fulfilled what it promised,

بشرى فقد أنجز الإقبال ما وعدا

1. Good tidings! Success has fulfilled what it promised,
And the star of glory rose high in the horizon.

١. بُشرى فَقَد أَنجَز الإِقبال ما وَعدا
وَكَوكَب المَجد في أُفق العُلا صَعَدا

2. The most high begot a son, from the one honored
With the highest virtues, so he appeared perfect.

٢. وَلد العُلى نَجل مَن شرفت
بِهِ المَعالي فهيم بِالكَمال بَدا

3. And the branch is like the origin in glory, no wonder
That it became a flourishing, rightly guided branch.

٣. وَالفرع كَالأَصل في مَجد فَلا عَجب
إِن أَصبح الغُصن مِنهُ مُؤرقا رشدا

4. So oh time of glory, rejoice at his birth,
And may his glory and support last forevermore.

٤. فَيا زَمان العُلا أَبشر بِمَولده
وَدامَ لَهُ مُخلِصاً مَجداً وَمُستَنَدا

5. For his birth month is glorious in merit,
As it is Ramadan, guidance for all people.

٥. فَشهر مِيلاده بِالفَضل مُشتَهر
لِأَنَّهُ رَمَضان لِلأَنام هُدى

6. Monday marked the start of the month he was born,
A day never known to be as fortunate.

٦. وَيَوم الإِثنين بدء الشَهر مَولده
وَذاكَ فال سَعيد قَط ما عَهدا

7. So let the highest honor rejoice at his rising,
And may God grant the father and son perfection.

٧. فَليهنأ الشَرف الأَعلى بِطَلعته
وَاللَه يُعطي كَمال الوالد الوَلَدا

8. May God protect the soul that is gladdened by him,
And clothe it in the garment of His protection.

٨. وَلا رَعى اللَه نَفساً لا تَسربه
وَلا وَقاها وَغَشاها رِداء رَدى

9. And oh Fahim, congratulations to you,
For having a son who will live gloriously forever.

٩. وَيا فَهيم لَكَ العَليا مهنئة
بِخَير نَجل سَيحيا في العُلا أَبَدا

10. May he live like Yahya, and be the world's reward,
And may you remain their pillar as we wish.

١٠. يَحيا كَيَحى وَلِلدُنيا مُكافأة
وَدُمت فيهم كَما نرضي لَهُم عضدا

11. Comfort yourself with a son whose date is recorded,
For God, the best of those born.

١١. وَأَنس بِنَجل لَهُ العَليا مُؤرخة
لِلّه دُر عَلى خَير مَن وَلَدا