1. Saad the auspicious, he has fulfilled what he promised
And the star of humanity has risen in the horizon of prosperity
١. سَعد السُعود لَقَد وافى بِما وَعَدا
وَكَوكَب البَشَر في أُفق الهَنا صَعَدا
2. And the universe has become joyful for the birth of one
Whose rising has gladdened the days when he was found
٢. وَأَصبَح الكَون مَسروراً بِمَولد مَن
سَرت بِطَلعتهِ الأَيّام إِذ وجدا
3. Indeed, his birth was the best fortune for glory
And from Saoud his elevation the universe has become fortunate
٣. قَد كانَ مَولده لِلمَجد خَير سَنا
وَمِن سُعود عُلاه الكَون قَد سَعَدا
4. O his era! You have the right to pride yourself for his birth
For the like of him has not been born since time began
٤. يا دَهره حَق أَن تَزهى بِمَولده
فَمثله مُنذُ كانَ الدَهر ما وَلَدا
5. Because you have a son among people for whom
Glory befitting the father and son together
٥. لِأَن لَكَ نجل في الأَنام لَهُ
مَجد يُناسب فيهِ الوالد الوَلَدا
6. And he is the son of the most high Bey, most high parent
Who has attained the highest merits which persist with him
٦. وَهُوَ بن بيك العُلا علوي أَجل أَب
حازَ المَعالي وَقَد دامَت بِهِ أَبَدا
7. He has been blessed and honored with a newborn and the best father
In merit, glory, and loftiness they have united
٧. أَنعم وَأَكرم بِمَولود وَخير أَب
في الفَضل وَالمَجد وَالعَليا قَد اِتَحَدا
8. And this is no wonder for them at all
For the cub has followed the lion in manners
٨. وَلَيسَ ذا بِعَجيب فيهما أَبَدا
فَالشبل تَبع في آدابه الأَسَدا
9. So may Allah protect the rising of the newborn
So that he may remain singular with high valor
٩. فَاللَه يَحفَظ لِلمَولود طَلعته
لِكَي يَدوم بِعالي القَدر مُنفَرِدا
10. And may the highest father rejoice for a son most high
On the day of his birth, prosperity has come
١٠. وَليهنأ الوالد الأَعلى بِنجل علا
في يَوم مَولده الاقبال قَد وَفَدا
11. And he has risen high in the sky of honor praying
And the good luck star has appeared in the throne of perfection
١١. وَقَد سَما في سَماء العز مُبتَهِلا
وَطالع السَعد في عَرش الكَمال بَدا
12. The best of glories has risen, chronicled time has said
The blessing of pure honor said, the best of those born
١٢. خَيرات مَجد سَما قالَت مُؤرخة
يَمن صَفا بِعَزيز خَير مَن وَلَدا