
My perfection is complete, time has granted him

مولاي كامل قد جاد الزمان له

1. My perfection is complete, time has granted him
A daughter with intellect rivaling the moon's radiance

١. مولاي كامل قد جاد الزمانُ لهُ
ببنت فكر تضاهي طلعةَ القمرِ

2. An unmarried girl from you who walks with coquetry, she has not
Shown herself to any but you behind the veil

٢. بكرٌ أتت منك تختالُ الدلالَ وما
أمست لغيركَ تبدو في سوى الأزرِ

3. So grant him your acceptance that I may gain through her
Good praise enduringly for all time

٣. فامنحْهُ منك قبولاً كي أنال بها
حسنَ الثناءِ دواماً سائرَ العصُرِ