1. Good tidings, for the book has been sealed
And evident joy has appeared
١. بشرى فقد خُتمِ الكتابْ
وبدا الهناء المستطابْ
2. Its research has been decided
And its doors have been realized, door by door
٢. وتقررت أبحاثهُ
وتحققت باباً فبابْ
3. The Sheikh from his revision
Has uncovered the difficult veil
٣. الشيخُ من تدقيقهِ
عن صعبهِ كَشف الحجابْ
4. And came with what if you smelled it
You would see it as wondrous wonder
٤. وأتى بما لو شِمْتهُ
لرأيتهُ العجبَ العجابْ
5. The treasure brought out its pearls
To people after being hidden
٥. والكنزُ أخرج دره
للناس من بعد احتجابْ
6. Pearls in the Sheikh's composition, how many
Necks have been adorned by it
٦. درّ بنظمِ الشيخ كم
قد حلّيتْ منه رقابْ
7. If Al-Tai heard what
He recited, he would incline to him and be pleased
٧. لو يسمع الطائي بما
ألقى لمال له وطابْ
8. And if Abu Hanifa saw it
He would be delighted and pleased
٨. وأبو حنيفة لو رآ
ه لَقر عيناً واستطابْ
9. Who is like you, O group of
Students, who knew what’s right
٩. مَن مثلكمْ يا معشرَ ال
طلاب قد عرفَ الصوابْ
10. You succeeded with his revisions
And uncovered its mask
١٠. فزتم بتدقيقاتهِ
وكشفتمو عنه النقابْ
11. And you won and gained
By maturing the mind
١١. وظفرتمو وغنمتمو
منه بتنقيح اللباب
12. This is the magic which
With its arrival, the drink becomes sweet
١٢. هذا هو السحر الذي
بِورودهِ يحلو الشرابْ
13. But it cannot be compared to a scholar
It is compared to a sea with a mirage
١٣. بل لا يقاس بعالم
هي قيس بحرٌ بالسرابْ
14. How much he enlightened visions
With his precious words
١٤. كم نوّر الأبصار من
ألفاظهِ الدررُ العِذابْ
15. How much he solved from surplus rulings
A problem, and removed difficulties
١٥. كم حلّ من علم الفرا
ئضَ مشكلاً ونفى صعابْ
16. And demonstrated the amount of its obligations
With strange types of calculations
١٦. وأبان قدر فروضهِ
بغريب أنواعِ الحسابْ
17. And now taking its seal
The place has been honored by it and smelled good
١٧. والآن مسك ختامهِ
شرُفَ المكان بهِ وطابْ
18. You still, O sea of guidance
Show us the detail of speech
١٨. لا زلت يا بحر الهدى
تبدي لنا فصل الخطابْ
19. I have not said inadequately about you
Good tidings, for the book has been sealed
١٩. ما قلت فيكَ بديهةً
بشرى فقد ختمَ الكتابْ