
Husain met his fate, yet what cause is there for grief?

قضى حسين وهل حزن بلا سبب

1. Husain met his fate, yet what cause is there for grief?
The hawk takes its prey - strange are the ways of men!

١. قضى حسينُ وهل حزنٌ بلا سببِ
والصقر صيد فيا للقوم للعجبِ

2. His person lies buried beneath earth's dust,
Yet his name lives on among the nobility.

٢. وشخصه غاب في هذا الثرى وثوى
وقدُره بين أهل الفضل لم يغبِ

3. He journeyed to eternity, and history records him -
Husain died, but wisdom and courtesy live on.

٣. وسار للخلد والدنيا تؤرخه
حسينُ مات فما الفهم كالأدبِ