
A man is by his thoughts, not his beard's length

المرء بالفكر لا باللحية الطولي

1. A man is by his thoughts, not his beard's length
And pride is in merit, not in rank's height

١. المرء بالفكر لا باللحية الطولَي
والفخر بالفضل لا بالرتبة الأولى

2. And by morals essences are distinguished, not
By features that make the known unknown

٢. وبالخلائق تمتاز الخلائق لا
بشارة تجعل المعلوم مجهولا

3. If Her Lord did not let men's ignorance of Her be
She would not have needed exposition as evidence

٣. لو لم يخَلْ ربُّها جهل الرجالِ به
ما احتاج منها على معناه تدليلا

4. And perfection isn't dependent on a trait
That the flawed could ever fully attain

٤. وما الكمال بموقوف على سمة
ما أوسعت قط أهل النقص تكميلا

5. And the sword, if it was wanted for its looks
Or the scabbards, would not be seen held

٥. والسيف لو كان مقصوداً لمنظره
أو للحمائل لم تنظره محمولا

6. Were it not for its blows, a stick would equal it and would not
Cut when the two groups meet, making distinction

٦. لولا مضاربه ساوى العصىَّ ولم
يحز إذا ما التقى الجمعانُ تفضيلا

7. The free man takes no pride in the pretty face, nor the
Ignoble in noble lineage or disdain if attained

٧. لا يفخر الحرّ بالوجه الجميل ولا ال
خاء الأسيل ولا الإعراض إن نيلا

8. And no man versed in the news of the sublime
Would wear his turban tilted and perfumed

٨. ولم يُلمّ بأخبار العلا رجل
يُمِلّ لمته دَهناً وترجيلا

9. His mirror but for his breath would still be
Burnished, and the comb for his hair unused

٩. تظل مرآته لولا تنفسه
مصقولة وشبا موساه مفلولا