
Shafiq has passed away while fate has let you down, O Egypt

شفيق مضى والدهر خانك يا مصر

1. Shafiq has passed away while fate has let you down, O Egypt
And what a source of envy was he for fate

١. شفيقٌ مضى والدهر خانك يا مصرُ
وياكَم عليه كان يحسدك الدهرُ

2. So who after him can make you flourish
And at night make you pride amongst the lands

٢. فمنَ بعدَهُ تبغين أن تزدهي بهِ
ويمسى به بين البلادِ لك الفخرُ

3. And who else have you prepared for melding
When opinions go astray and thoughts get perplexed

٣. ومَن غيرُه أعددتِه لملمةٍ
إذا ضلت الآراء واضطرب الفكرُ

4. The best treasure you had for protection against enemies is gone
No wonder it was said you were left without wealth

٤. مضى خيرُ ذخر تتقين به العدا
فلا عجبٌ إن قيل أعْوزَكَ الذخرُ

5. And if you had been one who fate has made fortunate
Ibn Mansour would have lived and your triumph would have been completed

٥. ولو كنت ممن اسعد الدهرُ حظهُ
لعاش ابن منصور وَتمَّ لك النصرُ

6. After losing you, O Shafiq, would life taste sweet
To a heart that burns, longing for you

٦. هل بَعد بُعدكَ يا شفيقَ يَروقُ
عيشٌ لصبّ قلبهُ محروقُ

7. The world once attracted him when you were present
But now turns away while his thoughts turn to memories of times past

٧. وتشوقهُ الدنيا وأنتَ صددتها
وتميلُ عنه إلى النوى ويطيقُ

8. For you have preceded me in death though
My yearning to join you grows

٨. ها قد سبقتَ إلى مماتِ وإنني
ليلذّ لي شوقاً إليكَ لحوقُ

9. There is no good left in life after you so
It has become unpleasant, false and patched up

٩. لا خير بعدَكَ في الحياةِ فإنها
كدرٌ وخالصُ ودذها تلفيقُ

10. Its joy is sorrow, the best of its bliss
Misery, and the height of all it offers is separation

١٠. وسرورها حزنٌ وخيرُ نعيمها
بؤسٌ وغايةُ جمعها تفريقُ

11. It holds afflictions, ruled by the judgment of fate
And sadness with no end

١١. ملماتٌ بها حكمُ القضاءُ
وحزنُ ما لمدّتهِ انقضاءُ

12. Misery that cannot be endured patiently
Nor helped by regret and crying

١٢. ورزء لا يُطاقُ عليه صبرٌ
ولا يجدي التحسُّرُ والبكاءُ

13. And life after Shafiq has passed away
Has become bitter with its clarity marred

١٣. وعيشٌ بَعد أن أودى شفيقٌ
تكدّر واستحال له الصفاءُ

14. So why, O time, do you keep alternating with no compassion
Afflicting us though we have done no wrong

١٤. فما لك يا زمانُ بلا تروٍّ
تعاقبنا وما منا اجتراءُ

15. You have judged us without mercy
And our Lord knows we are innocent

١٥. قضيتَ بدونَ إشفاقٍ علينا
ويعلم رّبنا أنَّا بَراءُ