
The young man's desire lies hidden in his ribs

مراد الفتى بين الضلوع كمين

1. The young man's desire lies hidden in his ribs
Yet his face shows what's inside of him

١. مراد الفتى بين الضلوع كمينُ
ولكن محياه عليه يبيِنُ

2. A person's title reflects what's in his heart
A mark of what's in his conscience he does own

٢. وللمرء عنوان على ما بقلبهِ
ووَسْمٌ على ما في الضمير يكونُ

3. He calls out from the state his condition's in
Not on what the tongue says can one depend

٣. ينادي على ما عنده نطقُ حالهِ
فليس على نطق اللسان ركونُ