
The light of Allah, exalted is His majesty, brings me joy

آنست نور الله

1. The light of Allah, exalted is His majesty, brings me joy
And I walked where the Prophet and his family walked

١. آنست نور الله جلَّ جلاله
ومشيت حيث مشي النبُّي وآله

2. And attained the best of what a Muslim could wish for
And the most precious that his imagination aspires to

٢. وبلغت أحسن ما تمني مسلم
وأعزُّ ما يسمو إليه خيالُه

3. I have been enabled to enjoy my fortune, so its coming or going does not preoccupy me
He whose journey through life concludes with a return

٣. مُكِّنتُ من حظِّي فليس بشاغلي
إدباره عني ولا إقباله

4. To Allah has a good ending and destination
O Lord, Your servant who disobeyed You and went astray

٤. من تختتم سفر الحياة برجعة
لله طاب ختامه ومآله

5. Comes to You asking for guidance
The horizons of Hejaz have become too narrow

٥. يا رب جاء إليك يسألك الهدي
عبد له عصيانه وضلاله

6. For his sins, under which mountains would collapse
This penitent pleading for Your pardon, O Forgiving One

٦. قد خال آفاق الحجاز تضيق عن
آثامه وبها تنوء جباله

7. What state is he in that reflects his condition
The threat of punishment made his hopes tremble

٧. هذا المنيب إلي عفوٍّ غافر
ما باله في روعه من حاله

8. Fear of punishment shook his limbs
Until, when the Sacred House embraced him

٨. ذكر الوعيد فزعزعت آماله
خوف الوعيد وزلزلت أوصاله

9. His nightingales were reassured and his mind set right
O Lord, You have realized my hopes, and he

٩. حتي إذا البيت المحَّرم ضمّهُ
قرَّت بلابله وأصلح باله

10. Whom Your House shelters will not despair
You instilled serenity into the anxious heart

١٠. يا رب قد حققت لي أملي ومن
آواه بيتك لم تخب آماله

11. Now it has no more turmoil or tremors
O You who love the penitent, you called upon the One

١١. أنزلت في القلب اللهيف سكينة
لا روعه باق ولا زلزاله

12. Who makes repentance sincere - will You answer his prayer?
The Muslims and their religion are in distress

١٢. يا من يحب التائبين دعاك من
صدق المتاب فهل يجاب سؤاله

13. Their state and condition have not escaped You
And I see them split apart as if they were

١٣. المسلمون ودينهم في محنة
لم يخف حالهم عليك وحاله

14. A single body whose limbs have been torn
And I see that they have enabled their enemy

١٤. وأراهم متفرقين كأنهم
جسم سوي مزقت أوصاله

15. To enslave them in shackles and bonds
The enemy attacks them arrogant and cruel

١٥. وأراهم قد مكنوا لعدوهم
فتملكت أعناقهم أغلاله

16. Increasing his tyranny and punishment over them
And I suspect some may betray their tribe

١٦. صال العدو عليهمو متجبرا
واشتد فيهم بطشه ونكاله

17. Seduced by power or money gained through treachery
And I suspect some foolish ones deceived

١٧. وأخال منهم من يخون قبيله
ومن الخيانة جاهه أو ماله

18. By Allah's postponing, not neglecting, punishment
And I suspect some only repent out of need

١٨. وأخال من فساقهم من غره
إمهال رب العرش لا إهماله

19. If it passes, their straying defeats repentance
O Lord, inspire us to follow Your path, turning

١٩. وأخال منهم من يتوب لعلة
فإذا انقضت غلب المتاب ضلاله

20. The tragedies of our days and afflictions away from us
O You who illuminates the soul with Your splendid light

٢٠. يا رب ألهمنا صراطك تنصرف
عنا مآسي يومنا ووباله

21. And reveals the beauty of beauty with Your beauty

٢١. يا من ينير الروح باهر نوره
ويزفُّ ألوان الجمال جماله