
I implore you in God, do not miss his aims

رجواك في الله لاتخطأ مراميه

1. I implore you in God, do not miss his aims
How can he guide, if his caller turns away?

١. رجواكَ في اللهِ لا تُخْطَأْ مراميهِ
أَنــَّى يُــسَدِّدُ، إِنْ لَبَّى مُنـاديـهِ

2. He is All-Hearing, close to the one who prays to Him
So enjoy what He willed, or what you prayed for

٢. هو السَّميعُ قريبٌ عندَ سائلِهِ
فَاغْنَمْ بما شاءَ، أو ما كُنتَ داعيهِ

3. He has full control, King of the universe in His grasp
What a great giver to the one who asks and hopes of Him

٣. هو المهيمِنُ، مُلـْكُ الكَـونِ قَبْضَتُهُ
يا نِعْــمَ سَائِلُــهُ فضلاً وراجيهِ

4. You called in the night vigil praying with pure intention
For the bestowal of His endless grace from His hands

٤. دعوتَ في هجعاتِ الليلِ محتسِبًا
إنعـــــــامَ فضلٍ تَهَامَى من أياديهِ

5. No door you knock but He is there, no house you enter
So wherever you are, rejoice in His surroundings

٥. لا بابَ تَطْرُقُهُ، لا دارَ تدخُلُها
فأَينما أنتَ، فَاهْنَأْ في نواحيهِ

6. He is time itself, and all directions belong to Him
He is existence, transcending the highest perceptions

٦. هو الزَّمانُ هو الأَنحاءُ أَجمعُها
هو الوجودُ الذي تسمو مبانيهِ

7. If the heart whispers to Him, He rewards it doubly
With what is good, in the clearest of His manifestations

٧. إنْ يخفقِ القلبُ بالنَّجوى يساعِفُهُ
بما هـو الخيرُ في أَصْفى تَجَلِّيهِ

8. His protection is enough, seek only what uplifts you
For security is only found in what He confers

٨. كفاكَ منهُ أماناً عَزَّ مطلبُهُ
فما الأَمانُ سوى ما كانَ يُضفيهِ

9. Happiness is but what He bestows generously
As breaths of the soul, inspired by His essence

٩. وما السَّعَادَةُ إِلاَّ أَنْ يجودَ بها
كنفثةِ الرُّوحِ ندَّتْ من معانيهِ

10. Comfort is to have a pact with God of benevolence
A covenant of kindness and care He maintains

١٠. وما المعزَّةُ إلاَّ أنْ يطيبَ لها
عهدٌ معَ اللهِ بالإِحْسَانِ يُبقِيهِ

11. So be with God, incline toward no one else
Who sees you needy, offering false relief

١١. فَكُنْ مَعَ اللهِ لا تلوي إِلى أَحَدٍ
يراكَ في حاجةٍ مِمَّا يُسَلِّيهِ!

12. How ugly is humiliation at the doors of those
Who strip the noble of dignity, despite their means

١٢. ما أقبحَ الذُّلَّ في بابٍ يُسَامُ بِه
عِرضُ الشَّريفِ وقد سحَّتْ مآقيهِ

13. Turn your face to God, and He will honor you
As He has honored you with grace since the beginning

١٣. فَوِلِّ وَجْهَكَ شَطْرَ اللهِ تُكْرِمُهُ
كما تَوَلاَّكَ بالإِكرامِ مُنْشِيِهِ

14. Protect it from disgrace in any fulfilled need
Even if it appears good, from a guardian's care

١٤. وصُنْهُ عن ذِلَّةٍ في حاجةٍ قُضِيَتْ
لو أَنَّها الخيرُ من إحسانِ حاميهِ

15. Your Lord has enriched you beyond any servant
Tempted by wealth and status, fallen to greed

١٥. أغناكَ ربُّكَ عنْ عبدٍ يُضَلِّلُهُ
مالٌ وجاهٌ ومُلكٌ باتَ يُغريهِ

16. He is in need of his Master - were hardships to befall
Nothing would ransom him! His state is dire indeed

١٦. هو الفقيرُ إلى مولاهُ لو طَرَقَتْ
طوارقٌ حينَها لا شيءَ يَفديهِ!

17. So surrender yourself and escape the traps
For no servant has, but the Merciful, his savior

١٧. وَاسْلَمْ بنفسِكَ تنجو من مصائدِها
فما لِعَبْدٍ سِوى الرَّحمنِ مُنْجِيهِ