1. My soul inclines to passion, so I restrain it -
Does a soul find peace in the blindness of its desire?!
١. نفسي تميلُ إِلى الْهَوى فأَرُدُّها
أَتَطِيْبُ نَفْسٌ في ضلالِ عَمَاها؟!
2. Like a mare raging in her saddle, she seeks
To slip the reins; then her legs take off!
٢. كالْخيلِ جامحةَ العريكةِ تبتغي
فَكَّ اللِّجامِ؛ فتنتشي قَدَماها!
3. No sooner does she break free into the open wilderness
Than she leaves behind her moaning there!
٣. ما إِنْ تَفِزُّ إِلى الْفَلاةِ طليقةً
حتَّى تُفارِقَ عِنْدَ ذاكَ أَناها!!
4. A fractious soul finds peace with an owner
Who loosens the lead; so she walked under his banner.
٤. نفسٌ مشاكِسةٌ تطيبُ لصاحبٍ
أَرْخَى الْقِيادَ؛ فسارَ تحتَ لِواها!
5. If she craves, she obeys, like one bereft of resolve,
Or a torrent of love that has lost its way.
٥. إِنْ تشتهي لَبَّى، كَمَسْلُوبِ النُّهَى
أَوْ صَبُّ عِشْقٍ قَدْ أُضِلَّ فَتَاهَا!!
6. Led astray to evil, if she drinks deep
The wine of passion in foolishness and drains it!
٦. أَمَّارةٌ بالسُّوءِ إِنْ هيَ أُتْرِعَتْ
كَأْسَ الْهَوَى في غِرَّةٍ؛ فَرَوَاها!
7. With her debauchery the crowns of turbans were tossed -
Those who follow in her footsteps.
٧. قَدْ طَوَّحَتْ شُمَّ العمائمِ بَلْقَعٌ
بِمُجُونِها، مَنْ يَقْتَفُونَ خُطَاها
8. They are the benchmarks among their people;
Yet they wallowed in the mire of her wantonness!
٨. ناسٌ هُمُ الأَعلامُ في أَقوامِهِمْ؛
لكنَّهم مَرِغُوا بِطِينِ ثَرَاها!
9. When they wake in the shirt of her snares,
They do not speak - O what disgraceful silence!
٩. فإِذا أَفاقُوا في قَنِيصِ شِراكِها
لم يَنْبِسُوا –يا للخزيَّةِ فَاهَا
10. As for him who held the reins and corrected her
When she rebelled against rectitude and disobeyed him,
١٠. أَمَّا الذي مَلَكَ الْقِيَادَ أَثابَها
لمَّا عَصَتْهُالرُّشْدَ حينَ عَصَاهَا
11. Victory is not in the battleground of desire, but rather:
A soul that struggles against the inclination of its passion!
١١. ما النَّصْرُ في سَاحِ الْوَغَى لكنَّهُ؛
نفسٌ تُجاهِدُ في نُزوعِ هَواها!
12. So master your refusal if you can guide her,
With the firmness of the valiant; then you will ensure her guidance.
١٢. فَاظْفِرْ إِباءَكَ إِنْ أَمِنْتَ قِيَادَها
أَمْنَ الْجَسُورِ؛ فَقَدْ ضَمِنْتَ هُدَاها