1. O lightening of knowledge, tell of its rarities
Of its beauties and gems
١. يا بارق العلم حدث عن نوادره
عن المحاسن منها من جواهره
2. Of its goals from the valley of Yamamah
Of its inhabitants, of the borders of its watchtowers
٢. عن المقاصد من وادي اليمامة عن
سكانها عن ثغور من نواظره
3. Of the eyes, of the beautiful eye, of the
Blushing cheek, of tears and their abundance
٣. عن العيون عن العين الحسان عن الـ
ـخد المضرج عن دمع وغامره
4. Flowing, it came narrating the nightchat
Of embers rising as fire from its feathers
٤. مسلسلاً جاء ترويه الحشاشة عن
جمر تصعد ناراً عن زوافره
5. So its narrative came from a glance thatcaptivated you
To the innermost being of the ardent lover and its apparent
٥. فجاء مسنده عن لحظ فاتكه
بباطن العاشق المضنى وظاهره
6. Lightening of Yamamah, do not laugh, can't you see
The carnelian of my tears flowed versified like its rain
٦. برق اليمامة لا تضحك الست ترى
عقيق دمعي جرى نظماً كناثره
7. For the unique lightening, the heart is passionate while
It has folded with yearning for its displayer
٧. للأبرق الفرد حن القلب وهو على
غلاته قد طوى شوقاً لناشره
8. It has folded it but not like the foot
Of the archers of lovers, not from the eye of its onlooker
٨. لقد طواه ولكن لا على قدم
رامي المحبين لا من عين ناظره
9. O captivator of hearts, wait, you own it
Do not hasten what is enslaved by its captivator
٩. يا آسر القلب مهلاً أنت مالكه
لا تعجلن مملوك لآسره
10. Though I am far from home, an expatriate
Between two dwellings of estrangement and its departure
١٠. إني وإن كنت نائي الدار مغتربا
بين المحطين من هجر وهاجره
11. I console myself hoping for union from my brother
Whose correspondence sprouted informing me of its views
١١. أعلل النفس وصلاً من أخي ثقة
نابت مخابره لي عن مناظره
12. And the soul did not fulfill parting from him
Before fate played its tricks between us
١٢. والنفس لم تقض من توديعه وطراً
حتى قضى الدهر بينا من مخاطره
13. O guide of the caravan, you read the sorrow of my brother
It's cover conveyed what was in his conscience
١٣. يا حادي العيس تقرأ من أخي حزن
خذليقة قد روت ما في ضمائره
14. Take it from the eye narrating the state of its writer
Of his heart, of his innermost being, of his secrets
١٤. خذها عن العين تروى حال كاتبها
عن قلبه عن حشاه عن سرائره
15. Against him, his jealous women stood
And fate remains empty of reproachers
١٥. عليه باللوم قد قامت عواذله
والدهر لازال خلواً من عواذره
16. So he has no intimate but sleeplessness, and sees
No companion but night and its darkness
١٦. فلا سمير له إلا السهاد ولا
يرى أنيساً سوى ليل وداجره
17. As for me, peace on him from a heart
That pities, so do not bid the zephyr farewell to its threads
١٧. أما علي ومن قلبي له سلم
عطفاً فلا تسلمن صبا لواتره
18. Do not gloat over me, enviers I left
Their blame behind my back unseen
١٨. لا تشمتن بي حساداً تركتهم
ولومهم خلف ظهري غير ناظره
19. I wonder at them while my fate is all wonder
They harbored for me an unseen nature
١٩. عجبت منهم ودهري كله عجب
قد أبطنوا لي خلقاً غير ظاهره
20. I had no sin but loving you
As if it has become one of its sources
٢٠. ولم يكن لي ذنب غير حبكم
كأنما هو أضحى من مصادره
21. If Ja'far is an old creed for me
Then I don't care about the harm of its denier
٢١. وإن يكن جعفر لي مذهباً قدما
فلا أبالي إذاً من شر ناكره
22. Then greetings as long as a moon appears
And a star of fortune shines from its homes
٢٢. ثم السلام عليكم ما بدا قمر
ولاح كوكب سعد من دياجره
23. A passionate greeting, its delicate garb burdened
After its strength, from its tribulations
٢٣. سلام مضنى رقيق الثوب أثقله
بعد قواه عن مآزره
24. A greeting from one whose hands time has played with
Who spent the night condemned by its injustice
٢٤. سلام من لعبت أيدي الزمان به
فبات بالهم محكوماً لجائره
25. This time does not deplete its wonders
It still shows the traitorous betrayal of the free man
٢٥. هذا الزمان ولا تفنى عجائبه
لازال للحر يبدي غدر غادره