1. And a questioner asked, "Why after us does Dowser pine
His heart cured of passion for Layla or Hind?"
١. وَقائِلَةٍ ما بالُ دَوسَرَ بَعدَنا
صَحا قَلبُهُ عَن آلِ لَيلى وَعَن هِندِ
2. "If my clothes are tattered for Layla's sake,
I'm as a swordblade resting snug in its sheath.
٢. فَإِن تَكُ أَثوابي تَمَزَّقنَ لِلَيلى
فَإِنّي كَنَصلِ السَيفِ في خَلَقِ الغِمدِ
3. If grey hairs should come, then I will sometimes
Seem amid the fresh-faced youths a prodigy.
٣. وَإِن يَكُ شَيبٌ قَد عَلاني فَرُبَّما
أَراني في ريعِ الشَبابِ مَعَ المُردِ
4. With flowing robe and thick soft curls I charm
The maidens, my ringlets' gloss a dazzle.
٤. طَويلُ يَدِ السِربالِ أَغيَدُ لِلصِبا
أَكُفُّ عَلى ذِفرايَ ذا خُصَلٍ جَعدِ
5. My camel-litters bent from 'Adan to Nejd
Nor did the land forget its ancient ways.
٥. وَحَنَّت قَلوصي مِن عَدانَ إِلى نَجدِ
وَلَم يُنسِها أَوطانَها قِدَمُ العَهدِ
6. That which my heart encountered is the like
Of ardour and passion known to Nejd's folk.
٦. وَإِنَّ الَّذي لاقَيتِ في القَلبِ مِثلُهُ
إِلى آلِ نَجدٍ مِن غَليلٍ وَمِن وَجدِ
7. When you wish you will not find the boon-friend; my love
For my tribe no substitute can replace.
٧. إِذا شِئتِ لا قَيتِ القِلاصَ وَلا أَرى
لِقَومِيَ أَبدالاً فَيَألَفَهُم وُدّي
8. I shoot back the arrows shot from a bow of hate;
To my lord I owe no bound nor pact.
٨. وَأَرمي الَّذي يَرمونَ عَن قَوسِ بَغضَةٍ
وَلَيسَ عَلى مَولايَ حَدّي وَلا عَهدي
9. When a man turns his back though first his love he showed me,
His withdrawal cannot make my love recede.
٩. إِذا ما اِمرُؤٌ وَلّى عَلَيَّ بِوُدِّهِ
وَأَدبَرَ لَم يَصدُر بِإِدبارِهِ وُدّي
10. No poor excuse have I sought for deeds
That often are done deliberately.
١٠. وَلَم أَتَعَذَّر مِن خِلالٍ تَسوؤُهُ
لِما كانَ يَأتي مِثلَهُنَّ عَلى عَمدِ
11. She of lofty aspirations whose cords pulled taut
My peg-ropes, slackening my firm resolve."
١١. وَذي نَخَواتِ طامِحِ الرَأسِ جاذَبَت
حِبالي فَرَخّى مِن عَلابِيِّهِ مَدّي