
I invited the tribe of Banu Qais to me, so they rolled up their sleeves,

دعوت بني قيس إلي فشمرت

1. I invited the tribe of Banu Qais to me, so they rolled up their sleeves,
Stout warriors from Sa`d with long forearms,

١. دَعَوتُ بَني قَيسٍ إِلَيَّ فّشّمَّرّت
خَناذيذُ مِن سَعدٍ طِوالُ السَواعِدِ

2. When people's hearts are seized with fear of death,
They charge with their souls into the path of death.

٢. إِذا مت قُلوبُ القَومِ طارَت مَخافَةً
مِنَ المَوتِ أَرسَوا بِالنُفوسِ المَواجِدِ