
And as for Az-Zubayr, he is enough for you,

وأما الزبير فأكفيكه

1. And as for Az-Zubayr, he is enough for you,
And Talhah is enough for you and his folly,

١. وأما الزبيرُ فأكفيكَهُ
وطلحةُ يكفيكَهُ وحوحَه

2. And Yala ibn Umayyah avoids fighting,
Frequently changing sides and humming.

٢. ويعلى بن منيةَ عن اللقاءِ
كثيرُ التقلبِ والنحنحه

3. And Aisha's mind is enough for us,
And Aisha is disgraced amongst the people.

٣. وعائشُ يكفيننا عقلُها
وعائشُ في الناسِ مستفضحه

4. And the matter will only be settled by the sword,
As cheese is settled with rennet.

٤. ولن يُصلِحُ الأمر إلا الحسامُ
كما يصلُحُ الجُبنُ بالإنفحَه

5. And nothing will be settled except by fighting,
For he who came with lies, how ugly it is!

٥. ولا يستقيم بغيرِ القتالِ
لمن جاءَ بالكنثِ ما أقبحَه

6. And there will be no truce until
All our affairs are advantageous.

٦. وأن لا هوادة حتى تكونَ
أمورٌ لنا كُلُّها مصلحَه