
Among the supporters in the heat of war

ليس بين الأنصار في جحمة الحرب

1. Among the supporters in the heat of war
And the enemies is nothing but the spear tips

١. ليسَ بين الأنصارِ في جحمَةِ الحَر
بِ وبينَ العُداةِ إلا الطِّعانُ

2. And the striking of the brave with white sticks when
The lances are smashed

٢. وقِراعُ الكُماةِ بالقُضُب البِي
ضِ إذا ما تحطَّمَ المُرَّانُ

3. So call upon them, they will respond, for there is no cowardice
Among the Khazraj and Al-Aws, O Ali

٣. فادعُها تستجب فليسَ من الخز
رجِ والأوسِ يا عليُّ جَبانُ

4. O executor of the Prophet, you have delayed war
Against the enemies and the armies have marched

٤. يا وصيَّ النبيِّ قد أجلتِ الحر
بُ الأعادي وسارَتِ الأَظعانُ

5. And things went well for you except Syria
And in Syria surrender appears

٥. واستقامتَ لكَ الأمورُ سِوى الشا
مِ وفي الشامِ يظَهرُ الإذعانُ

6. It is enough what they saw, and it is enough for you from us, this is how
We are where we were and they were where they were

٦. حسبُهُم ما رأَوا وحسبُكَ مِنّا هكذا
نحنُ حيثُ كُنَّا وكانُوا