
Woe unto you, for he is the proof of God

ويلكم إنه الدليل على الله

1. Woe unto you, for he is the proof of God
His caller to guidance, and his trusted one

١. ويلَكُم إنَّهُ الدليلُ على اللَ
هِ وداعيهِ للهُدَى وأمينُه

2. The Prophet's cousin has taught all people
To revere and respect him

٢. وابنُ عمِّ النبيِّ قد عَلِمَ النا
سُ جميعاً وصنوُهُ وخدينُه

3. Every good thing adorns them, and he has
Virtues that adorn him, beyond them

٣. كُلُّ خيرٍ يزينهُم هُوَ فيهِ
ولَهُ دونَهُم خِصالٌ يَزينُه

4. Then woe to whoever contends with him in combat
When he grips his sword in his right hand

٤. ثُمَّ ويلٌ لِمَن يُبارِزُ في الرَّو
عِ إذا ضَمَّتِ الحُسامَ يَمينُه

5. Then he called out, I am Abu Al-Hasan Al-Qaram
So his opponent must certainly fall

٥. ثُمَّ نادى أنا أبو الحسنِ القَر
مُ فلا بُدَّ أن يَطيحَ قَرينُه