
If we pledged allegiance to Ali, it was enough for us,

إذا نحن بايعنا عليا فحسبنا

1. If we pledged allegiance to Ali, it was enough for us,
Abu Hasan, we have no fear of strife,

١. إذا نحنُ بايعنا علياً فحسبُنا
أبو حسَنٍ مما نخافُ من الفِتَن

2. We found him to be the best of people for people, he
Is the most knowledgeable of Quraysh in the Book and the Sunnah,

٢. وجدناهُ أولى الناسِ بالناس إنَّهُ
أطبُّ قُريشٍ بالكتابِ وبالسُّنَن

3. And that Quraysh cannot raise dust against him
If a day comes when virtues are exposed,

٣. وأنَّ قُريشاً لا تشقُّ غبارَهُ
إذا ما جرى يوماً على الضُّمرِ البُدُن

4. For he possesses all the good that is in them
And there is none among them with his virtues and beauty,

٤. ففيهِ الذي فيهم من الخيرِ كُلِّهِ
وما فيهمُ مثلُ الذي فيهِ من حَسَن

5. The successor of Allah's Messenger, apart from his family,
And his knight who was so in times past.

٥. وصيُّ رسولِ اللَه من دُونِ أهلِهِ
وفارِسُهُ قد كانَ في سالفِ الزمن